
He’s an Independent so the Republicans in Vermont don’t feel bad when they like his policies and vote for him. 

Counterpoint: liking Bernie Sanders also subjects one to an endless series of verbal assaults. 

Pregnancy sometimes kills people. Legal, sterile abortions basically never does.

Being adopted a birth by the two most wonderful people on this planet has still been hard. I suffer anxiety and a deep seated fear of abandonment and rejection. I was raised as an only child knowing I have siblings and I can’t decide if I want to look for them or not. I feel immense pressure to excel at everything and

I don’t know if I’m a fan or not, but I’m cheering for her. I detest Dr. Phil and think his show exploits young women with real problems for views. I’m glad she’s smart enough to capitalize on her 15 minutes, and I hope she has trustworthy people in her inner circle advising her. 

We need that sweet sweet access to their holy land when the rapture starts.

Add me and my fiancé to the pile of Washingtonians that understood precisely what we voted for and continue to wholeheartedly support. 

This year was the first year in my life that I’ve been so exhausted and forlorn by everything that I was ready for Christmas in August. Mind you, I’m sticking to my principles and leaving everything in the closet until 12:01 on Black Friday, but I am here for some holiday cheer. I need it all: the lights and the

I also was ServeSafe certified at one point, and am the biggest advocate of food safety standards in commercial kitchens. Commercial kitchens are likely to serve the very young, the very old, the immunocompromised, and everyone in between. I wouldn’t serve strangers leftover pizza or mac and cheese that didn’t get put

It’s not Biebs, its a lookalike. 

It wasn’t. <3

Oh yeah, and because I was ashamed and felt dirty and didn’t want anyone else to know that about me. And I knew my parents would be hurt knowing that happened to me and I wanted to shield them. 

Because it was a non-US citizen on federal land and I wasn’t strong enough to deal with the legal nightmare that would have created. Because I didn’t realize it still counts as rape even though he only used his fingers. Because I was fat and people would have said I wanted it and regretted it after, and I should have

I mostly use it to deglaze pans for sauces. It can be used to add acid to a dish, too. Two of my favorite cold weather comfort foods are beef bourguingnon (always with red) and coq au vin (can be red or white). 

I’ve been on the CBD train since May. Placebo effect or not, it makes my anxiety and insomnia better. It doesn’t cure it. I wake up once a night now instead of once an hour. My panic attacks are less frequent and less severe. So for me, it’s worth it whether its woo or not. Also, I think it helped me quit smoking

And she can do all that while thinking McCain was a decent person.

Ugh same. I’ve been around Jezebel for about ten years. Still gray. The quality of the articles has gone down the drain, so what’s the point of sticking around? I just don’t know what would fill the feminist hole, which is why I haven’t left yet. 

Sorry for your losses. I had two dogs die suddenly and tragically within three months of each other a couple years ago and it still hurts. This article is disgusting. 

Your French teacher in undergrad was wrong. “Voulez-vous coucher avec moiis grammatically correct, but still should never be used with a real French person. Se coucher is to go to bed with the intention of sleep. Coucher is just to lie down. So “Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?” is really asking “Will you lay with

Ahh I miss Germany. When I lived there we thought it was so extra to have all those bins, but it makes it SO EASY to properly sort trash and recycling. Also, bring the Pfand to the US (some states already have one). Even though it was my own money, it always felt good to “earn” more beer money from recycling.