
#notallcouples! I live with my SO and I make significantly more than he does. He gives me slightly less than a third of our rent every month and pays for his prescription, gas, car insurance, car loan, and vices (cigars and pop). I pay for our phones, internet, utilities, groceries, entertainment, my car insurance,

This is trend I’ve noticed over the past few years, and not just on this site. Articles just seem to end with no conclusion. NPR is a terrible offender of this, too. More often than not, I feel like part of the article is missing. 

Panera is... fine. Good road trip fare when you need something familiar that isn’t a burger. Certainly nothing to write home about in my experience.

There are literally already compostable straws on the market that are otherwise indistinguishable from real plastic straws. I don’t understand why people think straws are going to disappear. 

Straws were banned in Seattle like last week, so it’s not like Starbucks has a choice here. 

I’m turning 30 this year and grew up fat and feel like this, too. From birth on, fashion was heroin chic, then the bared midriffs (for skinny girls only). I was graduating college just as the body positivity movement was starting to be a thing online. The first time I saw a fat woman rocking bikini and actually

Creamed spinach is so good though. I make it all the time at home- frozen spinach, a pat of butter, copious black pepper, onion and garlic powders, and a dash of half and half.

The thing is, “ ‘hey, you might legitimately get attacked by a bear - no shit, for real’ country” is actually a huge portion of the US. Bears are everywhere and not particularly shy around humans. There was a cub up a tree near an elementary school that caused a hullabaloo recently. Bears are very, very unlikely to

It is not any child’s responsibility to hang out with or befriend people who make them uncomfortable. This victim-blaming that how now shifted to child victims of gun violence is despicable. “Walk up, not out” disgusts me to my core. It is not children’s responsibility to try to prevent gun violence. They are not

Counterpoint: Coq au vin

Sex work should be legalized for other reasons, but the last thing we should do is encourage these abusive pricks to take out their frustrations on sex workers. They’ll just start murdering them instead.

We (white women) don’t need residency, we need to be combating white men on the front lines until they get their act together. Short-stay visas would be nice though, for when the men get to be too much even for us. Use us to feed your economy, not benefit from it. ;)

You’re comparing them by gender, which you shouldn’t be. Obviously men and women don’t compete for a reason. I wonder what your marker of greatness is? If it is strength or speed, then women will never be great athletes according to you. I count greatness by wins. By the way, Abby Wambach has scored more international

Dammit I meant Muggsy Bogues and I have no idea why my brain has switched those two names but I do it every time I mean to bring up Muggsy.

This seems to be a projection of society’s/your own issues with female athletes. Best athletes on the planet?

Or, just accept that life isn’t fair and sports aren’t fair. Athletes have fairly short careers. They’re just unlucky theirs happened to overlap with someone who has a genetic advantage. Just like swimmers who had to race Phelps were unlucky. Scottie Pippen overcame his genetic (height) disadvantage and became an NBA

Life isn’t fair. Sports aren’t fair. I’d love to be a competitive figure skater. I’ve loved the sport my entire life, and used to be halfway decent. But there is no room in the sport for a six foot tall woman. There was no rule keeping me out, but the 5'1 90lb woman has a distinct, genetic advantage. It’s not fair,

“they keep thinking children are a thing you can do no matter your circumstances.”

It’s an identity in a place where there are no other options for women. They don’t have the economic means or access to develop hobbies, education, or meaningful careers. Many of these places don’t even have the cell/radio/internet access that people assume are widespread. There tend to be lower literacy rates, and

There’s nothing wrong with cheap Ikea furniture though, especially when shopping on the taxpayer dime! If he bought it with his own money (and I’m sure he can afford it) I’d probably feel more positively about it.