The entire week off between christmas and new years is amazing. It’s not moving. If you don’t get that, choose a different job.
The entire week off between christmas and new years is amazing. It’s not moving. If you don’t get that, choose a different job.
A million white people claim Cherokee ancestry that never had family in Oklahoma or the Tennessee mountains. A pretty solid number of them, despite the “poofy liberal” stereotype, are conservatives who try and use it to insulate themselves from their racist comments.
I think you just nailed it on what’s wrong with white Thanksgiving. The better the food, the more likely you’ll also have to put up with racist Uncle Bob.
I love Petra’s little grin when Krishna uses the Louisa thing to ask for a pay raise.
Which charity? Do they know their “director” is an asshole?
“Take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.”
YES that episode really bothered me. Like he wanted a pat on the back for admitting that he isn’t attracted to fat women but feeling kind of bad about it or something? I think that was the turning point for me with him. Like he just never saw women as full humans.
Why would a devote Libretarian live in an HOA? Unless said Libertarian is running it to his or her own specifications it seems counterintuitive.
He always struck me as a Good Guy Feminist but would scream at you that you’re a bitch if he didn’t get what he wanted from you.
To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.
Sorry, but elections have consequences. For example, the GOP tax plan would tax the hell out of graduate students, to the point that it would destroy my career and the general institution of academic science. This plan would not have materialized if the GOP hadn’t won the election.
Exactly. Sounds like he’s guilty of “speaking while black.” He didn’t make the request with sufficiently white vocabulary and speaking patterns, therefore they can claim ignorance of what is a very straightforward request.
The best part is I can just see the smug, self-satisfied look on your face as you hit “publish” on your post, thinking “HURR I USED THE LIBRULS WORDS AGAINST THEM AND REALLY THREW IT IN THEIR FACE HURRRRRRR TIME TO GO JACK OFF TO ALEX JONES DDDDUURRRRRR” when what you’ve really done is tell everyone who reads your…
If I had a nickel for every time President Trump brought us together as a nation and a people I wouldn’t have any nickels.
Not everyone who decides not to vote “didn’t bother to vote”, not voting can be a deliberate act. And when you’re a poor person presented with a couple of rich white assholes who aren’t promising anything you deem worthy of your vote, it’s a completely valid response. The blame is on the people who did vote for a…
I’m not the enemy. I’m not putting her down. I just want to see the (D)‘s move forward and accomplish something. I don’t think that’s a bad idea. I’ve said my say. Have a good afternoon.
Maybe because he’s still an active fucking politician? Like, in office? Right now?
And why do they have to hit the USA to count? Why do hurricanes elsewhere not count?
Look what you made me do.
He’s somehow both 16 an 45 at the same time.