
Remember, he’s not an athlete who made a mistake: he’s a criminal who can swim.

People aren’t hammering home enough that he fled on foot when caught. NO ONE reacts that way to “sex” getting interrupted; that’s only how one flees the scene of the crime.

I mean she said she had played traditional folk music and had a spiritual experience because she finally understood the dance music they had in France which has now influenced her current music. I don’t see what is so bad about that story.

this is so cool this girl is so cool their interaction is so cool her music is cool ugh the internet isn’t always terrible

Uh, no. They agreed to do a debate at a location TBA in May back in February as part of the conditions of agreeing to the New Hampshire debate. Sanders still wants to do that debate, but Clinton backed out. He can debate anyone he wants if she backs out.

...this is all happening because Hillary said she would debate Bernie before the CA primary and then changed her mind. Oh, I’m sorry, I should have said that her position on the debate evolved.

You say it like Hillary didn’t break her agreement to debate Bernie again before California.

I love how British everything is: The prim and proper reporter, the wife who’s gone quietly mad and now seems to have two handmaidens in pig form, and the silent, trainer and tracksuit clad husband who clearly has much to say but only brings up the grunting over the telly.

Hi Dan—

“Beta Male” as a name for his blog is fucking terrible beyond belief awful.


Now playing

There’s no need for a third restroom based on gender.

Yep. The world needs a collective lesson on gender identity and gender presentation.

“If we take care of morality,” David Brumbaugh, a Republican Representative in Oklahoma’s House , said during deliberations, “God will take care of the economy.”

The worse part was how many stars and positive replies it got from Clinton supporters.

Frank’s Red Hot is the best hot sauce thank you goodbye.

You guys are really quick to shut down the dialogue of women of color.

The only homosexual relationship she has to “agree with” is her own. If she hasn’t got one, what’s to “agree” or “disagree” about?

In her neck of the woods, it is an elevated stance, sadly.

As someone who spent a shitload of time in Iraq the “witty banter” is what keeps many of us sane. Shitty stuff happens every day, and many people use humor to try to help them get through it. It’s no different than useless platitudes from people who never really knew the guy. Both are designed to help the person