
Thank you. It’s beyond validating to hear this from someone with more of a life under her belt.

27 is the WORST. You start worrying about aging AND shit gets real regarding keeping up with your friends as they embark on their adult lives: “Wait, what? Susie bought a house?? Oh god, should I be buying a house?” “Jane is pregnant? Should I start having babies? If I don’t will be be infertile when I want to?”

“Unfortunately the Bernie Bros are usually too drunk to engage in such civilities.” Considering his support among the working class, you should tone down the elitist bullshit. He has popular grassroots support, which doesn’t mean a drunk, uncivilised hoard. Why so much contempt for millions of middle and working class

I think it’s hilarious that 26 sincere Clinton supporters starred a racist rightwing troll’s attempt to be deliberately stupid, because it aligned so perfectly with their own political beliefs.

Everyone who starred this should yas queen themselves off a goddamn cliff.

Im sorry i fell for a troll comment

He has had detailed policy plans available on his website for a long time.

Oh for chrissakes.

Yeah, fuck you.... West Virginia is every bit as important as NY, MD, VA, MA, or any other state on the east coast. Don’t believe it? Try living without the electricity that allows you to make power the computer you use to make stupid, needlessly hateful comments from.

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

Murking? Hm. I always thought it was merc’ing, like short for mercenary

Aww that face! How could you say no?? My dog does the same thing with his precious stuffed duck, but he gets VERY offended if you throw it. He has brought it to you because he is sharing his prized possession and wants you to look after it for him. The duck is wet with dog spit and doesn’t smell very nice, but you

WHOA I just realized we went an entire day without a Trump article, this has been wonderful

I personally love everything going on today.

No offense to the DS crew but this was the best highlight write-up of all time.

I’m just excited to see “pas de bourrée” mentioned in a Deadspin article. Today has been such an unexpected gift.

Deadspin readers clearly need to know if the best announcing duo in pro sports is going to be covering this event.


Dang it, this was gonna be an Adequate Man post, but I decided not to sit on it over the weekend. Gotta get these laundry takes out while they’re hot.