I understand that and I don’t want that, but it’s become very clear that a vote for Clinton is a vote for war, and I don’t want that, either. It fucking sucks.
I understand that and I don’t want that, but it’s become very clear that a vote for Clinton is a vote for war, and I don’t want that, either. It fucking sucks.
I had fully planned to vote for Clinton if she was the nominee, but after her AIPAC speech and this nonsense about the “tone” of the Sanders campaign, I’m heavily leaning toward voting for Jill Stein if she’s on the ballot. It was already going to be a painful vote for me, but after that speech....I don’t know that I…
Clinton gets most of the money and the DNC doesn’t support progressive candidates so I don’t see what point you’re trying to make other than throwing out some vapid platitudes Clinton supporters love so much.
Fair enough but I’m more skeptical of Hillary’s good intentions for anything that isn’t the DNC.
Except he doesn’t accept them... you act like he isn’t afforded these opportunities. Get a clue. Moral principle vs grubbing for cash.
Yet the Hillary Victory Fund has yet to release any of the money to those down ballot contestants, and has used roughly a third of the money it’s taken in to pay the PR firms doing work on Hillary’s campaign.
...wait - are you saying that donating a bunch of money to a candidate makes you feel like they owe you something, and the more money you donate, the more entitled to having your perspective supported you feel? Thank you for prooving Bernie’s whole point! :D
Something tells me an event funding “Hillarys Victory Fund” isnt going to support/fund a bunch of progressives in years to come. Its not like every Dem running will get cash from her fund.
After reading your vitriolic, ad-hominem replies, I have to ask, are you sure you aren’t a Trump supporter? You aren’t winning any hearts or minds with your arrogent, Clintonian attitude, which I realize now parallels his strategy far too closely. Respect the opposition, and the facts.
Sometimes, if you’re lucky, you get to see the true face of Hillary supporters when the “We’re so tolerant and perfect” mask falls off.
You know Hillary is White?
So got it you guys cool with Citizens United now? Do you seriously not see the problem with money in politics? Why can’t we have publicly financed campaigns?
You insulted me personally. I referenced publicly available information. You said she’s helping “small” candidates. Name one. I can name several candidates Bernie is helping: Tim Canova. John Fetterman. Zephyr Teachout. Kaniela Ing. That’s just off the top of my head.
You want a link? Here’s a link, to just ONE…
Right, you - a person who has been long referring to Sanders and his supporters as “sexist regressives” - a person who has criticized him many times on Gawker as an insider with poor decision-making... you inexplicably gave money to his campaign, but suddenly NOW you’re done with him because he criticized a $125,000 a…
Turnout is way down from ‘08. The base is not turning out for her. And way to discount all the people of color who’ve voted for Bernie as well. Typical that many (not all but many) of her supporters like you have been race-baiting since Shillary herself perfected modern-day racist dog whistles, first with her comments…
Her supporters are just as obnoxious. We’ve all seen it. A friend of mine was harassed by three women late at night on the street while wearing a Bernie shirt. They were awkward, so she didn’t feel threatened, but it was embarrassing.
You may be a Sanders supporter, but you MUST be new here. Have you seen how mind controlled the Hill Bots are? You say anything negative about their precious and you’re labeled sexist or a Berne Bros. Except Obama, of course. He seems to get a pass for calling her Cheney Lite for some reason . Probably because it…
Actually celebs have sent in big money and he’s returned it.
“A lot of Clinton supporters are quiet, to the point of silence”
Many people allege this fund is being used to persuade (read “buy”) superdelegate votes from these states.