I agree. I don’t like people who treat service staff badly, or who bring pointless nuisance lawsuits, but she had a signed contract for these things so I don’t understand why the hotel would think she shouldn’t get them.
I agree. I don’t like people who treat service staff badly, or who bring pointless nuisance lawsuits, but she had a signed contract for these things so I don’t understand why the hotel would think she shouldn’t get them.
How dare she push for something that she was contractually entitled to, how dare she. I’m sure she probably was an asshole in other ways, but I’m on her side in not letting them slide on those ones.
You cannot vote against someone. That’s not how the ballot works. But if you mean voting for someone else so that they do not receive that vote, voting for anyone else is a vote “against” them.
Oh, I know you’re not going there...
That is absolutely false. Four parties are on the ballot in enough states to win the presidency. Nine additional parties are on the ballot in some states. Various independent candidates will appear on the ballot in all states. There are far more than two choices.
I totally did get ungreyed for this!
I apologize for not being more entertaining while engaging in this finely nuanced discussion of whom everyone needs to be voting for.
If that happens, you should vote for Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate. She shares many policies and views with Bernie Sanders.
When the Democratic Party puts rules in place to keep grassroots campaigns from competing, I owe them nothing. If Trump is president, it will be because government has failed us in creating a democracy.
No, I’m absolutely serious about my questions, especially the first. Do you think Clinton is proud to have such xenophobic supporters?
Do you speak for all “Bernie-or-bust” folk? No. What you are saying is simply untrue. I did not vote for Obama and I criticize him regularly. I think Obamacare isn't everything Hillary says it is. I think he has been completely absent in 2nd term. I am not a republican and I am not a democrat. I will be writing…
I am worried about my rights disappearing. That’s precisely why I couldn’t support a candidate like Clinton.
Do you think Clinton is proud to have such xenophobic supporters? How tall of a wall do you want to build?
Yeah, that Clinton’s supporters exhibit the same kind of nationalism as Trump’s do, just pointed north instead of south. Rather telling, really, that they’re so mad that a filthy foreigner dares to speak up.
The lesser of two evils is still evil. I’ve never voted for a candidate I didn’t support and I’m not sure why you think anyone should do that aside from having bought into the rhetoric of fear.
Ornithologist here! The folks saying this is a female House Finch are spot-on. Here’s a zoomed-in photo of the bird:
I went to see him speak in Florida, stupid, stupid Florida filled with old people voters, but it was awesome to see him speak. He is very personable. A student threw him a baseball hat for my Uni and he smiled really huge and put it right on. Good move that, because I was sunburned to all holy hell then next day.
if a bird likes you, your favorability ratings are net positive.
I was there! We did lose our shit because it was so freaking adorable. The waiting for hours was a bummer, but overall, I enjoyed it and I’m glad I went.