I asked for a few hundred dollars like twice because I didn’t have money to feed myself, when I was like 21. I wouldn’t think of such a thing as an ongoing arrangement and i felt guilty as hell.
I asked for a few hundred dollars like twice because I didn’t have money to feed myself, when I was like 21. I wouldn’t think of such a thing as an ongoing arrangement and i felt guilty as hell.
Pinkham, I am not going to lie, yours was a blog I had looked forward to commenting on each week, and during the typical Monday struggles of a mundane office job your posts brightened my mornings. It was your blog where a comment of mine reached over 200 stars for the first time, and I had looked forward to the day I…
This news is trash. This blog is not.
So Donald Trump is supposedly fit? Because I don’t notice much of a difference between the protestor’s physique and Trump’s.
I’ve asked my partner (male) to help all the time, and with the best intentions in the world, he will forget the next day. Because he has the luxury of being able to forget. And I’m exhausted for reminding him because it always means a “big” conversation about labour division in our relationship and feminism and blah…
oh my god, the “WE need to do” when what he really means is “Can YOU do this for me?” is such a peeve of mine. I call him on it, but it sounds really bitchy. And, it doesn’t even work. The conversation goes like this:
lol my husband hasn’t put new tires on his car in possibly a decade. I have no idea how they’re not just shreds of rubber. I’m not even sure he knows how to pull a dipstick. And he changed batteries in the smoke detectors ... after I asked him to ... and they’re still sitting on tables in their respective rooms…
Man, I wish I was a guy. I would give fucking anything to care less. Caring and doing all this menial, stupid emotional work is fucking exhausting.
I’m sorry you spent so much time walking around blindfolded that you missed out on such an integral part of the American college experience since the 1960s. Student activism is preparing students for life—many of our political power brokers cut their teeth engaging in activism on their college campuses. Those kids are…
Not to brag or anything, but my dog already has her own REAL fur jacket.
Seriously. Christ on a cracker what’s wrong with whatever district manager decided to pay him for 166 hours. The optics of this are so fucking bad, that the should have just said - you know what, we’re not sure how much he worked, so we’re going to pay him as if he worked full time for a year - 2080 hours. This is…
Than I’m glad that this will raise awareness about those on the spectrum that have difficulty communicating. Like it’s been said, “If you’ve met one autistic person, then you’ve met one autistic person.”
Bernie has a better chance in the general than Hillary.
“Frontrunner and presumed nominee Hillary Clinton...”
“So, your table stopped me and asked what kind of fish they had was because they thought you were lying to them; I told them it was cod and they asked why we didn’t have real fish.”
In 1998 I had to leave college because of a depression. So bad that I hadn’t left my dorm in three weeks and failed my classes. I went back home. One therapist told me that I’d probably never have a normal job or life.
I suffered postpartum depression five plus years ago. Meanwhile I was feeling exhausted and in pain, which I attributed to having a newborn. After almost a year of doctor visits, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and other auto immune issues. During this time, I left my sons dad, who cheated on me and a close…
I have severe arachnophobia, which comes from living in Japan and those giant banana spiders. But cut to middle school in central Florida.
One night I was cleaning out the garage and I saw this spider with a gigantic butt, naturally i freaked out and backed into a corner. I started throwing things at it. I finally…
I’ve told this story somewhere here before and people were horrified, so here goes. Given where I live I have many, many horrible stories about bugs/spiders but this was the worst experience. I was walking out to my car at 6am to go to work, texting a friend of mine (hint, never text and walk), when I walked in to a…
I cry over pizza all the time. Especially as I eat it over the sink while drinking a handle of bourbon straight from the bottle.