
This woman has a mental illness. That’s not something to mock, regardless of race, which is irrelevant here.

Who said men couldn’t have feelings? Where did I say that? The “feelings” expressed on 4chan are all about men not getting what they want from women and then whining about it, while doing things like advocating rape and abuse. Those “feelings” don’t deserve validation or respect, because those “feelings” are really

Meanwhile all of us women are off fucking normal men who don’t identify themselves by weird wolf terms like “alpha” and “beta.” Who would have thought?


When I was a server I once had a customer argue with me over what Thousand Island dressing was. We served a patty melt that came with Thousand Island dressing. The kitchen prepared it and I brought it out. The guy asked, “What is this orange dressing?” and I was like, “That’s the Thousand Island.” He responded, “No.

Jezebel, could we get a response to this? An acknowledgement would be nice at the very least.

Buzzfeed is really trying to up their news game. In the next year or two they’re going to be outclassing most other outlets.

I haven’t smoked regularly in about three weeks (I had some last weekend when I was drinking, but that’s it) and I was around half a pack a day before I stopped.

12 hours in heels?

Our 19yo daughter is home from college for the weekend. She is studying sustainable agriculture and food production. She brought home fresh goat milk from the college farm, and is teaching us to make Chèvre. Our little kiddo is becoming a strong, smart, feisty woman and it just makes us bust with pride. Tomorrow she

I was a Ravenclaw all through my teens but over the last couple of years, I’ve switched to Hufflepuff because I really do just want everyone to be kind and splendid all the time.

Ravenclaw all the way.

He is an awful, awful person and a fucking idiot as well. He made a mess of our state’s education system, and that was within weeks of his election. On behalf of every woman and child in Ohio, fuck this guy.

There are a lot of shitty politicians in Ohio. But fuck Kasich in particular. In the past few years, he’s made shitty decisions on education, abortion, and a whole host of other issues.

Again, I can’t fucking say this enough, as a woman who lives under Kasich I would really appreciate it if liberals who don’t know shit about him would stop calling him ‘moderate’ or ‘reasonable,’ ESPECIALLY if you add the “comparatively” qualifier like a total fucking idiot.

he doesn’t even GO HERE

the next Speaker of the House:

Winter’s great. Don’t start something.

Women wanted eight more minutes of foreplay and seven more minutes of intercourse