
Those are beautiful. Now I have to include mine:

It was my mom’s, that makes it the bestest.

Yesss I love ring photos!

I don’t know if mine is cool because it’s an aquamarine or not cool because it’s one big stone. Better toss it just to be sure.

I decided that size does matter (to me) and went with an aquamarine.

I admit I don’t really like my ring. It’s just a small plain solitaire (third of a carrot) which I wear with a plain band. I don’t hate solitaires from a design standpoint. I like the simplicity and plainness of it. But it catches on things and I hate that it sticks out from the band I’ve had to get it repaired twice

I bring this photo out for every article on rings.

Sparky is a rescue dog and the love of my life-she says hi!

My apologies in advance for the long backstory, but it is necessary to fully understand the horrible-ness of the situation. I live in a tiny apartment in New York with my wife and son, which, ever since our son has gotten the ability to walk and talk and whatnot already made sex a fairly covert affair (the window of

or.. not sure if it’s just me - but prolonged sexy sessions resulting in internal abrasions? apparently no matter how turned on i am, that much skin on skin rubbing gives me chafing inside.

So this is where we are in 2015: the most serious and thoughtful dialogue on public policy is emanating from the podium of a professional football team, and the most obnoxious displays of ignorant boasting are coming from the debate stage of one of the two major political parties.

This may qualify more as holy than sacriligeous. I spent part of my childhood in West Virginia, and our town had a little monument to Robert E. Lee. Supposedly it was the place where he first saw his horse, although that’s the kind of story that could easily be a local myth.

This is pretty minor. When I was 15 or so, my brother was 10, and our mom took us on a trip to Austria, Italy, and France. We saw a lot of cathedrals. My brother reeeeeally liked the crucifixes everywhere and bought a big one to wear around his neck from one of the gift shops. We’re not religious, he just thought it

Hey, I have fond memories of my times at Presbyterian youth summer camps! No shame. I didn’t do anything scandelous because I was always pretty straight laced, but I remember a few dramatic incidents/rumors.

Me and my sisters went to catholic school for a year when we were little because we were living in an area where my parents didn’t feel great about the public schools. (We’re not catholic.)

Mine is pretty tame. When I was into Jesus (lol I WAS A CHILD, OK?) I went on a bus trip to this giant Presbyterian Bible Camp at Purdue University the summer between sophomore and jr. year (ETA: of high school, NOT college). Besides the Jesus stuff, it was actually fun - the daily services were mostly huge

those ankle flares just make it look like the model had some kind of insane growth spurt halfway through the day, and she just has to awkwardly wear too short pants until she can go home and change into something that fits.

So, when I was in kindergarten, I wasn’t allowed to carry an umbrella on the bus.

Now playing

Isn’t there a video where a baby stops crying when he holds her? and then he gives the smuggest smile to Michelle Obama

Unf. Dat smile tho.