
She should be out of jail, period. Her ex-boyfriend, who actually stole the car that landed them both in prison, was released in 2013. She didn’t even know that until the NY Times reporter told her.

I wish Jeb was around so they could have made him choose between his dad and his brother.

Jimmy Carter, duh, I love peanuts and farming

This is a really weird power dynamic, and I have to agree that it is super inappropriate. That being said, the student is an adult. Asking mom for support and advice is fine, but she needs to make the complaint herself.

I could probably submit one of these about myself. Many years ago when Subway sandwich shops were rocketing to the top of the national consciousness with the “Subway diet” I stopped in one day to eat with my family. I was a teenager and was waiting behind my family not really paying attention until I got up to the

“How dare you mock the guy for not knowing what the beach is? Some people make it to age 50 without visiting the beach and somehow completely missing the ever-present representations of beaches in popular culture. Besides, many people suffer from Glorpman’s Syndrome, which is an inability to understand the

If I really thought somebody was a witch—like, had magical powers—I would NOT be chucking rocks at their head, I’d be baking them cookies and trying to be their best friend! Who couldn’t use a witch on their team?

Amy Schumer is a gorgeous gal in her 20s and is a size six and you’re here comparing her to mid-40s, balding, beer-gutted Louis CK? Jesus CHRIST.

You’re the loser who claimed women were not as smart as men and just left me a profanities-filled message, right? I’m thinking it’s not just your gut holding you back with the ladies. Good luck!

It isn’t. And it won’t. We’ve been accepting schlubby men in sitcoms and in some instances even holding them up as sex symbols for years. The wife is always hot. She’s expected to be hot.

Maybe a little better:

That’s already one of the key talking points, and being taken as irrefutable evidence of bad faith, and that she must be immediately removed from office, if not arrested for corruption.

All of the officers involved are also facing some combination of 2nd degree assault, false imprisonment and misconduct charges, in addition to the couple of officers with 2nd degree and depraved heart murder charges.

Depends on the region. Serious germanic paganism is more common in Hessen, Bavaria, Badem-Württemberg and Saarland. Then we got quiet a bit everywhere who are “moderate” about the old ways or combine it with new-age esoteric (Sure you know what i mean).

There is absolutely NO WAY I’d marry a police officer. You know how you aren’t supposed to say “never”? Well I’m saying never. If they decide to whoop your behind, you are going to have a very hard time getting help. I wouldn’t want to live like that. And real talk I pray that my future kids won’t even THINK about

I don’t want to say this but i’m going to anyway, religious people are the absolute worst people.

Generally Obsolete Dogma

I never thought Kanye, the man with the ego the size of a small planet, would be the voice of reason and empathy. This managed to raise my opinion of the guy.

I have delivered the best, sickest, most ruthless burns in the history of the burn ward, EVER....the next day...while I'm in my shower.