
What really saddens me is that so many of these stories comes with a “and it was confirmed by other people so I wasn’t just imaining it” coda. We’re all trained to proactively defend against the assertion that our oppression is imagined, even when we’re telling those stories in a space specifically designed to receive

Congratulations on experiencing a sexist microaggression!!!!!

often the handshake is wierd if I get one. Limp or that half hand thing.

Can I ask about your blood clot experience? I have this unsettling fear in the back of my head that I’ll just drop dead when a clot hits my brain and my family will blame birth control for my untimely demise. I also have an anxiety disorder, if you couldn’t tell :)

After years of wrapping it up with partners and no birth control I decided to go on it prior to my wedding so it was special... Instead birth control pills turned me into a lunatic- my mood swings were quick and deep- really low lows and inexplicable and intense anger- way beyond any normal PMS. I also found myself

This, THIS is what a normal, sane person is talking about when they're saying that a business can and sometimes should refuse someone service. The utterly insane assholes who start off treating the staff like slaves and go downhill from there. The POS who threatens their way into free stuff because they know a

Yup what I really wish they would do is stop subsidizing corn, etc. (the reason why there is so much readily available and cheap junk food that poor people are forced to rely upon).

Personally I’m a big fan of the clearance bake section. CHEAP CUPCAKES

Then ban it for everybody. Nobody gets soda or Little Debbie. Otherwise, it’s just about punishing poor people.

It’s foolish to people who have the luxury of stepping back and considering the long term effects of dietary choice because the immediate concern of filling hungry bellies is not an issue. To someone going hungry anything with calories is going to serve the need of keeping them going. More importantly the dividing

I think he can “tell” they’re using EBT cards by their skin color..

I can understand and agree with your point. I think that candy, “junk food”, and soda should be at least limited in the dollar amount that can be spent per month. ‘Cuz in this country, although there may be some bad wells (sometimes really bad wells!) with the availability of bottled water and refillable water

...You can’t buy pads and tampons? That is insane. A local paper did an article a little while ago (like 4 months) about shelters/support places for the homeless and poor, and one thing an employee said they always wanted were donations of female sanitary items. It’s like everyone forgets that women have periods! Tons

I, too, like my steaks very rare—- but when I do the cheap meat, I make sure to cook it medium well. Just to be sure about the poisoning.

In related news, Missouri State Representative Rick Brattin reveals that he knows nothing about (a) steak or (b) how grocery stores work.

I’m convinced that if there is any trend of parenting failure over the last 15 years or so, it’s traced to people unable to accept being a Good Enough Parent.

I'm moving from a more upscale place to a mom and pop sushi bar that I worked at 7 years ago. I'll be making less money, but at least the managers/owners are humane. Like I constantly tell friends and family not to come in to the restaurant I currently work at because at least once a week, a server or cook is forced

I don't think you're allowed to laugh at the crying teens, otherwise I'd be on the first plane to London.

Making you poop is just how veggies show their love. I guess kale just really really likes you :p
