
These people are born on third and think they hit a triple.

Correct me if I'm wrong, though, that this would violate health & safety laws (exposing food service to vomit) if not labor laws in most jurisdictions, right?

There's no goddamn middle ground anymore. The ones who want to abolish all guns are just as bad as the ones who think toddlers should have concealed carry permits. I live in the country, and I like guns. I grew up around them, and I enjoy the sport of target shooting. I don't necessarily own them for protection, but

Ok ok I'm sorry I'm from Texas I can't help myself-

Jokes about an unnamed man's small dicks =/= rambling on/joking about a named woman for having a "fat smell," belly fold, and one arm.

I'd like to thank him though for encouraging me to check out Dammiene Merlina. She's cute and funny.

Same here. If you know that's the price of admission, why is everyone complaining? Just don't date her if you want a blowjob. It's that easy.

Wait, does he not take dishes out of the cupboards either? ?_? My husband asked me where we keep the broom the other day and I just stared at him until he went and found it on his own. (It didn't take very long. Turns out he knew where it was!) I just cannot with man babies.

They must learn this excuse at birth; I have this same conversation at least once a week. I am slightly relieved to learn I'm not the only one, though.

Mine swears he doesn't know how to use the washing machine or dryer. But if he has a shirt wrinkled enough, he sure can over work that dryer to fluff the wrinkles out.


My husband's excuse for not putting away the dishes out of the dishwasher: "I don't know where they go."

Ahh, then serious sideye, yes.

Make sure you keep an eye on Overstock for factory reconditioned models - got mine for just over $200 and it's a $600 machine - works a charm and might as well be new. The bowl showed use - that was it. (Queen of frugal shopping)

Why do they need a "breakfast sandwich maker" AND a panini press??

I'm jealous of some of the things people bought them. I want a food processor and a nice blender!

Cutting is adding something else to the drugs to reduce costs. So for instance powdered sugar to cocaine to make a lower concentration product that you sell for the same price.

My dealer spliced hemlock into my kush. Now I'm dead.

LOL I feel really bad that I laughed so hard at this... cutting weed with other drugs?? Like what exactly? Since you clearly don't have any experience in this area, I'll ask: what would be smokeable at the same temperature and does not betray its presence immediately by sight or by taste? Another question: what would

Oh please expand on cutting weed down with other drugs. I am dying to hear this.