
I just want to hug him and tell him it'll be okay and then slap the shit out of whoever put him there.

And Jamelle Bouie (a UVA grad who has done good work on this topic), and the GOAT, Ta-Nehisi Coates.

I mean.... swastikas are a liiiiittle bit worse than hoop skirts, no? Though hoop skirts were a staple of the antebellum and Civil War South, they don't have quite that level of one-to-one symbolism that the swastika does for Nazism. Hoop skirts were not unique to America OR the 19th century. I don't see a hoop skirt

I brought this up down lower, not sure if others have seen it, but they also ran a story in 2014 about this exact girl's inspiring story...

if you're not following deray on twitter, you need to be

I think Clarkson is to blame, but at the same time, it is an incredibly stupid move by the BBC. Would you cut Lebron/Kobe/Jordan because they got in a fracas with an assistant coach? Jeremy's job at the BBC was to be a presenter and bring in a large following. He was not being paid to be a nice person.

This is one of the reasons I had to stop reading The Chive. For every picture that falls into the "hey that's cool" category, there's one that is just horrible for me. I haven't been over there for years, but they used to have a gallery go thigh gaps and one with showing off girls' hip bones and it totally doesn't

I know you're a troll, but I am tickled at the idea that you derived your burner name from the last BCO Post on Kitchenette.

Except...there are loads of disgruntled employees and loads of fat corporate entities who are egregiously ignoring the law, and it hasn't happened.

PS—there's nothing wrong with working retail forever. Some of us like working retail. Some of us even have degrees in other fields and prefer retail. Don't be mean to retail workers, they sell you things that you want.

i love this. people hardly ever talk about being nice; we should be trying to be nice all the damn time

She doesn't even use any of the somewhat understandable arguments against tipping (which are still bullshit, but at least you can see where they fucking come from). "How inconvenient that I have to figure out what to pay!" "My unrelated job where I get paid the legal minimum wage doesn't tip me!" "Why should I pay a

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOoohhhhhhh. Sorry. I was being an idiot. #Americanprivilege #thereareothercountriesquestionmark #whocaresfireworks #baseball #taylorswift

Yes. And many, MANY places can and do get away with not complying with OSHA. Hell, I'd be amazed if more than 5% of all restaurants were fully OSHA-compliant, and I might be high-balling that.

Until recently I worked at a high-end restaurant that didn't have a single bandage in its first aid kit. If we cut ourselves we had to create our own bandaids out of gauze (or sometimes paper towels) and painters tape.

Absolutely. I hate the phrase "safe, legal and rare" for that reason and all that rhetoric around "No one wants women to have to have abortions." Why the fuck not? I want women to have abortions if they want abortions! That kind of talk undermines the fact that it is a simple, elective* procedure that should be no big

My first reaction to this was that it's an incredibly cruel thing to force on your just-barely-above-minimum-wage-(maybe) employees of all races.

It's brave of you to take a stand against the brutal whippings of slaves in our country's past.

"Room for cream, please. But there's no room for 'cream,' so to speak, in my pussy. I am opposed to having intercourse with white men. Haven't they benefited enough?"

I think it is John.