
The problem with overly focusing on how intelligent a kid is is that, as someone pointed out on a different thread, while being able to read at a college level is really impressive for a 10-year-old, it's just not that impressive once you're in college. Barring a few real exceptions of astonishing intelligence, the

I love this story. Strangers being kind probably don't realise how important those moments are for the person on the receiving end. Many years ago, I was desperately trying to buy a blanket as my acccommodation was freezing cold and I had no bedding at all. The problem was, all I had was a 12.99£ voucher for a

Elizabeth I: whoriest of the whores.

And also, that animation and voice are SO WEIRD

Gawd, I knew I would find this in the comments. The fact that it's feminists who are criticizing him the most proves that, once again, feminists are feminism's worst enemies. We say we want allies but I guess by "allies", we mean "silent masochistic punching bags". It's kinda sad when you're just as disgusted by the

Nonsense about the abuse or you being an awful person. This is all totally normal, assuming when you say you are shaking him and physically relocating him, you aren't actually hurting him or shaking him in a scary/harmful way. Grabbing a whining, defiant 4 year old by the arm and leading him off to the bathroom-

Hey man, can I just say how much I identify with you right now? I'm a person with a temper. I know this about myself, and I work on it, but sometimes I slip up. I am terrified of having kids. But the only thing that terrifies me more is having kids, fucking up, and not being able to talk about it to anyone because

am I the only one impressed by the lack of major spillage? Like this guy had his displacement volume figured out!

Neither. Rape isn't funny. The death penalty is state sponsored murder.

Coming from a fashion design background, I do not see what's wrong here. The clothes are cute and not too literal (what woman wants to wear a shiny polyester robins egg blue ball gown with puff sleeves? Not the Kohls customer, I can tell you that). I actually like the tee with the glass slipper. The image is iconic

hashtag free the nipple lol

Carol has been my favorite ever since season three. She is one badass woman. She is pragmatic, smart, and I am 100% on her side. And on a totally shallow note, Melissa McBride is completely gorgeous, and when I start going gray, I am totally doing my hair like that instead of dying it.

Yum, a delicious 4-way!

Mayo is the devil's condiment.

It's tiring being cynical and skeptical of everything about American at all times.

Possibly TMI, but here we go...

Also: seriously, if all the feminists are like "LIKING TITTIES IS BAD YOU AWFUL PERVERT," then why have the dozens upon dozens of feminists who have trooped through my house not said word #1 about my Love and Rockets poster featuring Luba (the most breastacular of comic book characters), or the Aubrey Beardsley nude

The sexualization isn't for women however. Studies have shown that when men are ripped and buff, it's not appealing to women, it's appealing to men who uphold that as the ideal image of a man.


The fact that this has any stars at all is so deeply and profoundly concerning to me.