
So do we take stuffed animals from children who are "addicted" to them? Do we classify happiness itself as an addiction? Where does it end? Makimg an entire generation of social anxioys people feel the need to apologize for who they are seems to not have much psychological benefit. It just causes them more fear and

Respect this is what he enjoys. Stop torturing him by restricting his access to what he enjoys. What do you enjoy? I’m sure you’d be upset if that was forbidden to you. Frankly your family’s behavior towards your brother in law makes me sick. This is what calling gaming an addiction does, gives people a position on

People DIE from drinking alcohol. They're trying to put gaming in the same category as substances people DIE from. Guess what people turn to when you've condemned what they enjoy in life?

Guilt is a result of shame. This is just a new form of shaming enjoyment in favor of the societal notion that it's more important to function like a cog in the machine, than to be a person interested in creative pursuits.

Yeah hmm what’s going to help social anxious people who feel comfortable in the gaming community? I know, let’s shame them, police what they find enjoyment in. What gets me is the dopamine argument, dopamine is a response to enjoyment. So are we going to condemn any enjoyment that doesn’t come from work, exercise, and

Everyone who doesn’t accept an Autistic parent’s child is seen as asn enemy in the parent’s eyes. I have PTSD from the emotional abuse from parents who refused to let me say no to being friends with their Autistic child. It’s why I was so desperate to be not diagnosed with a form of Autusm, it made me feel unsafe.

I just thought I'd give a tip to all of you negative nancies. When a subreddit becomes the target of creeps, you don't join in on bullying the people who run it and attribute terrible things to them. What you do is go to the subreddit and help report the creeps.

Thanks! Just send them a message of support, since you've decided to go on a witch hunt after any subreddit that shows women in a way that isn't completely chaste and pure.

Geeze if I were them I'd just quit because it seems no matter what they do, how much they inspire girls, feminists will hate them irrationally.

For some reason I'm completely baffled by, my mom finds the gnome creepy.

The rings were so cute, I was so disappointed when they stopped marketing the polishes with them.

I was thinking fine maybe if she wasn't Asian, but Asian people are well known for being smaller!

Yahoo Serious the lead character was pretty hot.

I hear Hannibal Lecter has a good recipe for dick salad.


It's like I'm reading an alien language.

The sinners get uppity? Please stop involving us in your fairy tales.

Who's a cranky little child because their mommy wawwiows don't get to play? You are! You are! Now you need to go and take a nap, you cranky little child. Come back when you're ready to behave and be a good little child.

I guess some people just can't be swayed by the power of love. They are those who sit alone pouting at the world, the ones who never have grown emotionally past the age of children.

They're too busy playing "wowwior" to care for their kids.