
One Million Moms should tend to their children, instead of pitching temper tantrums over loving families. It's going to get to a point they go out, and people will be unable to tell which one of them are the child.

At least it's not filburts.

Collectively dropped on their head as children? Next time try to find a less ableist way of describing ignorance please.

He can air bang his Japanese love pillow all day and night long.

Cat always reminds me of Osaka from AzuManga Daioh.

Kinja appears to be acting up and not letting me give you a star.

Your right, they opened the comments for you to testify, arms outstretched in Christ pose. Looking up to the sky and dramatically telling your tale of how you sacrifice on behalf of animals like Jesus.

"Look at me everyone! Look at how morally superior I am! Look at how I'm completely unaware that I'm not coming across as an ethical person, but more like a smug narcissist who likes to make everyone feel they're lesser than me!"

No one thinks your funny or clever. No one.

I bet this really excited the foot fetishists.

Exactly what I was thinking when I saw the title of this article.

Are you involved with men's rights advocates?

Isn't the way God's darling little children come up with new ideas precious?

"My masculinity was threatened, WWAAAHH!"

I don't think doubting a victim's statement is appropriate, do you think it is?

Seems we have an abundance of men so scared at the thought that another man stopped playing Mr. Macho they have to undermine him.

Monster. You are a monster.

Well Jimmy Kimmel also thinks making fun of fat people is funny, guess that's what happens when the schoolyard bully gets a career in comedy.