Because for many it ISN’T an actual issue and people who don’t game are far too eager to claim that the number of hours gaming alone are a clear indicator of addiction.
Because for many it ISN’T an actual issue and people who don’t game are far too eager to claim that the number of hours gaming alone are a clear indicator of addiction.
So the mother says
Video games mostly.
The cuteness of Travelocity's Roaming Gnome commercials has given them a special place in my heart. They're still the first of the travel biggies that comes to mind for me when I want to look for a flight.
I don't agree with what they're doing at all but yeah, they're trying to cover themselves. Courtney Martin's book Perfect Girls and Starving Daughters: the new normality of hating your body, has a chapter on college culture and disordered eating, and cites a few cases of students with clear cases of ED actually dying.
Young Einstein was a darn good movie.
They're beyond rape-y; that's some psychopath axe murderer shit.
Honey Maid released a glorious response to homophobic idiots who didn't like the snack company's ads depicting gay…
oh god oh god oh god I can't stop laughing.
It's part of rape culture as it supports, and works on the at least subconscious premise that women out in public are male fodder. They can be used against their will in any way a male sees fit. It's a short leap to making putting hands on them ok too.
^^^THIS is why I dislike vegetarians. First off, a life without bacon is no real life at all. Second, the self-righteousness. It tastes even worse than tofu.
I remember someone explaining to me when I was quite young that dogs and cats don't go to heaven; it's only for people. That was the exact moment when I decided organized religion is not for me. Anyone with any brains can see that dogs are better people than people will ever be.
I am uncomfortable with this use of the "inspirational crip" narrative.…
Thank you, I am saving this.
This piece just destroyed me. I am going to cry and keep crying for a very long time.
This was brutal but it is absolutely necessary that more videos like this are made. The Jennifer Aniston raping Charlie Day scene in Horrible Bosses was making the theatre howl with laughter and I couldn't believe my ears. Are comedians really that low on jokes? When in doubt, make a rape joke? It's okay if the guy…