
Damn you lexus for this leg shaving machine grill , DAMN YOU!

the sad truth.

Hello again,

First of all, you can keep spinning that, but you have ignored my questions and statements about an alternative place for the jewish people to live,you claim other religions are attacked but not only jews , please show me this kind of stuff happening regularly to christians or muslims throught europe, france. yet

First of all , yes, more arabs died in this conflict than jews, i understand you would be happy if it was the other way around, no matter how hard you're trying to spin that. Israel is a stronger force and that happens in times of war and they shouldn't apologizing for the death toll not being equal, since when is

Fair enough, the vox article does show a fair discussion at most sections. The missing Israeli soldier being reporter is indeed new to me, but saying the Arabs are on the front line is just half of the whole situation, Israelis are on the front line of rocket attacks as well as I've stated a few times before , yes

I worldnt like to arrest any journalist, I'd like to add that this isn't about the need being in favour of our side , like I said , there are stories that are untold, again, mentioning rockets and actually explaining in depth , I haven't seen that yet , would be happy to be proven wrong, so far, the BBC for example

i too wish the take religion out of the equation but these are also historical facts and the decision made by a democratic vote, by the UN in 1947, so you can argue the Arabs didn't agree but Israel also didn't want to give up half the country and yet it did in order to give peace a chance and the Arabs just

First of all, your arguments are very solid while aiming at grammar mistakes(which you should take note when you confused than with "then")and some light religious stereotypes.

During those 2000 years there have been Jews in Israel way before any Arab invaded the country, Greeks and Romans left,Turkish left , British left , but Arab land invaders stayed, Israel formed and there was a two state solution for a short time , then what? The Arabs didn't agree to it,lost all wars and are now

Yes , those are valid points but you missed my main point which was the difference with the English AJ and the Arabic AJ , no one is sayin Arab governments don't hate AJ and in any way , out of those 600 or so deaths , why isn't any large scale media company reporting the total death of Hamas terrorists? It seems very

Please add that AL Jazeera is a huge Hamas supporter, why you may not speak arabic(or do you?) the English version and the arabic version and the content in the articles is pretty different.

"not bad guy enough", shooting rockets to kill people, when the other side has defense system , it makes it OK, flawed state of mind there. I guess you will be happy if the death toll was equal.(hint, you won't be, you'll need more deaths even then over at the stronger side you dislike so much)

let's shoot those non lethal rockets over on your cities , don't dare to react or complain! They are sure harmless.

Well , it's a hard choice for me , either this or about 200....


GM Announces the next Gen Recall...Ugh Vette, we meant Vetter , dammit !

When i had my nav system stolen, i totally got Audi's point, my VW doesn't have that yet, so with the nav system going into the dashboard, reduces that risk, so that's something.