
The anti-Jewish prpaganda is strong here, thing is, i don't care about the religious semantics, Israel is going to stay on the map, with its many ethnic groups living today and actually preferring the democracy even if it has some flaws , still far better than whatever the neighbors around are offering , the holocaust

I'm delighted you could join us here on Earth, where Israel shall remain on the map and your words shall fade into dust , until one day, they might literally blow up in your face.

Every Land is stolen yet somehow most countries, BIG countries, aren't being bothered by the international community, because , they're not a small piece of land and they're not Jewish, the antisemitic tone rises between your lines so I'll address it as part of the problem, you suggest Jews return to Europe where they

Racial slurs are nice when you have no actual proof on the topic. It's important not to read information from religious fanatics broadcasting on the interwebs from a cave, thanks for the lesson , fact is palestinians are from jordan mostly, and would you look at that, Jordan never wanted them, they slaughtered them ,

no evidence of plaestinians habitats as far back as jewish , Islam came wayyyy later than the bible , if that's one of their claims, and also, they lost the war at 1948, thanks for stopping by.

based out of Palestine

Zil 118, some soviet stuff :]

Fiat Chrysler lets it be a standalone company...ANDDD VAG buys them off.

you're too quick to judge this guy, he was probably russian on his way to make it on time for happy hour.

Why isn't it happening in America? #1 Superiority complex.
#2 "Follow the money" - You ought to ask yourself who's making money out of stopping the progress? which companies bribe generals or congressman and the like of those in order to keep the DoD buying whatever it is they're selling, if it's possible to minimize


lets get the new STI for 35k , that's a good bang for my buck.

lets flip it over , see what's the condition underneath.

Never struggle to find a parking spot again!

Audi would like their rear section back!

this thing looks like it's going to eat me...and i'll allow it to!

Love it , I also like how the console and everything is focused on the driver, while the passenger seat looks so small, just enough for some tight formation lady.

those headlights look familiar , or maybe it's just me.

It's the principal, not the cost!

"Capt. Overstreet's"