
You can this thing with a manual here in Israel, the price is around 177,000$, or the automatic (why though?) for around 179,000$, awesome deal!

The polo is a great car because of its turbo charged version and also the gti , it has a pretty good build quality , it’s very fast and just a fun hot hatch in the gti version and the 1.2/1.4tsi versions and it comes in a 1.6-1.2 tdi !it’d be competitive especially with the all new gti with a 1.8tsi 192bhp. It’d sell

It is a great article and an awesome insight on the guard, I’d like to add this just because the pope likes the speak about guns.

This is a hot hatch , 1.8TSI 192BHP that will demolish the “220” , great gear compared to that of the Renault , has manual /thread.

I’m not saying that they don’t hate each other , but they are both Radical Islamc groups and both are happy to see dead Egyptians and Israelis , as we all know , the enemy of my enemy is my friend. IS smuggled weps to gaza in tunnels under the Egyptian side of Rafah in exchange of money and medical aid from Hamas ,

You guys missed a major key player , Hamas , Iran supplies Hamas, hamas supplies IS in Sinay , read about their growing ties. Hamas wants them do the dirty work including the rockets they fire into Israel from Sinay like yesterday and 4 more attacks in the last 4 months.

I like how he went back the second time, moved the car an inch forward thinking: “ Yep, now there’s no chance someone will park between me!”

a bit off topic, what's this truck on the left?


  • " Hamas militants who raided his post by way of an underground tunnel. When he was released, he was weak, pale, and suffering from a clear case of malnutrition."

"I hate my life right now..."

I just like her calves.

I wish these guys took requests , I'd like to see this on a KIA or something, would probably end in under a minute.

"Watcha lookin at? Yeah that's right, scroll down to the next Ad."

So much room for my 5.5" iPhone, thanks MB!

I'm an Internet Troll and a 4chan /pol/ dropout, Am I hired?

The Chinese market is waaaaaaay more important than the American market, everything new relating to cars and other things will be there first, Chinese wanted more leg room in the back ? Audi made a special edition with more leg room ! (even though Chinese are usually short so go figure) , China wants , China gets,