
Sucks that you can be the best drive on the road and some idiots with crumbling cars can suddenly steer into you just because their car happen to die while you're near them.

Well , A death trap , and how the heck does it pass DMV Examination?


bmw x5


Down here the Hatch Yaris from the early 2000-2001 are amazingly reliable, run well and still get really good gas mileage, that sedan...BLASPHEME!

Slower or not, that is one fine machine and I would love to have just that, IN THIS COLOR!

Why the hate folks?

The TSI and 7DSG in the city isn't great at all, but once on the highway it is awesome, it's a fun car indeed, If you guys would have the POLO GTI in the states you'd love it if you could fit into one, better mileage more fun, a truly hot hatch , wonder why VW doesn't sell them over there.

Guilty as Charged.

Indeed there is and the night is still young!

I wanna look at it all day long , while on LSD !

Oh , Hai there!

I'd remove the O and the E and add a U between the C and the M and leave ''in jail'',


*Likes this

Well , If Subayota had decided to keep the concept as it is , this wouldn't have happened!

White BRZ went through pretty fine, so that journo deserves a take-away doughnut box !

I love these good 'ol subaros!

There's an option to wire it through the hand break, as long as it's up , you can't use whatever isn't necessary in a car , but the wiring can be redone as most things in the car tech nowadays.