
It just looks like plain 'ol boat ,wheels were added to disguise that.

Used currently , Foga Magister - French , T-6A - made in Kansas , Future replacement: M-346 - Italian.

I drove it without the Turbo, 140 hp my ass , this car blows , nothing but a niche car with 3 doors(really?!) It's a friggin Hyundai i30 or w/e the name of the U.S. model is , it BLOWS, Vw Gti/Miata , that's the way to go, the ones with the history.

Yep and I love these shows ! They sum up most of the important and interesting things about pretty much every worth looking into car maker out there and how they are made from scratch.

Noted, but I remember this one , it's out of service no matter what the internet says, It caused too many unfortunate training accidents and was replaced.

Respecting your opinion,

That's nice of you to forgive , seems strange that you moved on so easily ,

Yeah, got many fords, they just aren't used for the high ranking officers, mostly F-150's

NON Sir , former IAF here, know quite enough , it's all from the U S and A and some of our very own.

Ah yes,

I'd turn this into a buggy with a few small body mods and frame hardening, would be helluva lot more awesome!

You Must Have One, Or else he'll come for YOU!

In sickness and in health, for better or for worse, I'd stick to it until a ball of fire might make us together forever by melting into one another!

Maserati much there?

I read it all out loud and it made me feel good,

This lambo was also blinded by the light and thought it could fit in

I'll just leave this here, pile of **** and cheap plastic.

Also, make enough of these and you don't need to find where to hide explosives for those who seek to blow up Americans, they just get a fleet of these with some cheap way to set them off without drawing too much attention and there you have it , easy way to terrorists attack, but I guess(hope) they'll find a way to


congrats on your COTD !