
Appreciate the offer , but nah, we don't!

A wild veedub polo appears ! also wins for looks contest in grandmah' white!

Somebody gunna get a hurt real bad.

I'd take it off them for 50k, NQA.

You know, for extra safety.

Dafuq did I just read?

Oh it's RARE alright , for the time being , give it some time and it'll become pretty Well Done , IfyouknowhatImean.jpeg

dibs on that , no matter what kind of desert hell it's been through!

Same story here, only I was in rural China , mid day , bus full of people, no gas station in the horizion, endless highway, two and a half hours of total agony after we've left the city, I notice people are getting sleep, grab coat, cover my lower torso, grabbed one small bottle, filled it up, took another one ,

Still waiting.

I...I want this monstrosity off this planet , I want it GONE,

And that's just the main highway, in the streets it's insane, they're like little devils on 2 wheels , eyes on all mirrors non stop else you send them airborne !

Nah, Palestinians would keep driving and giggle.

One of the busiest roads in the country, even though I experience it every year , still amazes me.

Very nice piece , enjoyed every bit of it.

A Prius cab was just leaving the entrance of the hotel and started the whole shebang, True story.

And now we know , she has no gag reflex!

Here you go Chevy , hand it over to your PR of choice so you can cover it up quickly.

oh well, can't catch em all.

Sure it isn't the concept looks , and of course I value functionality more but yeah, you can't get everything you want in one package , lets hope the handling and fun for buck value is high enough to put these small details aside.