I am so glad you did. I wonder if there have ever been four or more aircraft in the refueling conga line before? That thought seems so crazy, there ought to be Russian dash cam footage of it online somewhere. Who else would even try?
I am so glad you did. I wonder if there have ever been four or more aircraft in the refueling conga line before? That thought seems so crazy, there ought to be Russian dash cam footage of it online somewhere. Who else would even try?
This should be common sense, and that image illustrates things very well. But for some reason all I really see is where at the top of the page, the second line with Please in it has the P in bold and the rest of the line not so much. I will ponder spectator safety while I go see a doctor for my neuroses.
Yes, the power may be underwhelming but it is such a good car. Looks great, drives great, won’t eat your wallet, and easy to live with. In my book, it lacks in no other area than output. I would love to see their fancy new turbo engine in this.
They also went to a place like that in Burma. Napydaw I believe, where they played soccer in the middle of a highway.
If they are the people behind or inspiring things like the murder of 100+ Parisians, aren’t they either directly or indirectly hurting us already? And as far as your first comment, done and done.
I was trying to say it shortly, because otherwise I was going to struggle through wording a couple paragraphs. What I truly mean is we can’t let these guys paralyze us over the fear of the nasty things they do. I was referring to the hypothetical capture of one of our soldiers as the “success” and backing down over…
That may be true, but when has this line of reasoning ever factored into a successful campaign or even strategic plans? You take the fight to the enemy, you respect that enemy’s capabilities, but you don’t base policy on the fear that the enemy might have some success. And they don’t seem to have trouble recruiting…
I was still protecting myself from PC Principal, and also I am not Jewish so one must be very careful to not cause a Gawker invasion here. But those club names are awesome.
I would go with a can of Cheerwine or Sundrop, but that is a definite possibility. I think the distinction of can of Bud Light instead of a bottle is important though.
Not many people are going to react that quickly, and that truck damn sure is not going to either. Perhaps they really weren’t looking. But even if they are, by the time the Mustang is out of control, it is far to late.
They may not be the target audience, but have you never heard of the totally uncool term “jewish cowboy”? Not sure who is more offended by that, the Jews or the cowboys.
If that is the case, I suggest changing the stars to menorahs this time of year and offering the venerable Mr. Torch the honorary title of Rabbi.
I will settle for having made three people laugh, but thank you sir and/or maam.
Yes, more speed than I thought. Although it did take a slightly elongated, less than straight path to it’s final destination so it had more time to demonstrate “speed, through slippage”.
I applied to that school....the rejection letter was subtly snarky and superior, but still damn good reading.
Amen, the current season and that character have been great change-ups. It is the first time the show has felt fresh to me in quite a while.
Hahaha I like it, but I can think of another A-word that should be branded on his forehead too...
Probably won’t be the last time a Mustang and a Ram mate in the wild.
You would think it would have been the new version with the awful RAM written in billboard sized lettering on the tailgate. That would have literally been like a “Hit it here!” sign.