
Yeah that is true, but still a good bit of force required to do it like that. Really though my remark was half surprise at the force of impact, half sadness at the destruction of my namesake. That Ram was video evidence that not all of them are lifted and spitting out black clouds. Ruined.

I saw Principal PC in another thread, so I am covering my tail.

Damn, it just spun that Ram like a top. Or a dreidel.

They weren’t interested in a successful, conservative businessman?

I switched from an R9 290 to a GTX 980 ti and the difference is huge. The performance delta between the two is a given and not worth expounding on, but every other part of the ownership experience has been just as different. I am all for competition, but switching from the underdog to the favorite has made my

And awfully smoky, unless that stereotype has quietly gone by the wayside.

That is....striking to say the least. Also, any post with a Crusader picture is a good post.

With an i5-4670k, 16gb ram, and a 980 ti on a 1440p monitor, I feel supremely confident that I will find myself lacking an i7 and a second gpu.

I have no love for 81 around Harrisburg, Roanoke, and also Bristol anytime there is a race. That damn race turned my eight hour trip into nearly twelve. I think it is more a reflection of a need for new, intelligently planned roads as well as the importance of I-81 to trucking and interstate commerce than it is crap

As long as it isn’t lifted for road queen purposes. At this time, non-bro truck vs non-bro truck, 100% agreement here.

Yeah I don’t understand the expectations of folks buying what is now an antiquated little truck. The only explanation is that they were lazy, ignorant shoppers who did no homework and apparently not even a test drive.

This car is ALL about overcompensating.

I strongly endorse this sentiment.

Clapped out, that just isn’t said enough. But like many of the more rural contiguous states, you can’t rule out the Breaking Bad factor, either. Dog the Bounty Hunter could only lock up so many ice heads.

I lived in Knoxville for a couple years and have a lot of family in the eastern (and best, btw) part of TN. The combination of some fairly frightening road design, poor signage, meth, poor lighting, tons of dramatic elevation changes laced with curves, meth, and plenty of drunk driving on top of that, leads to more

301>95/495 all day, everyday. An interstate should not be backed up with traffic for a couple hours on a regular Saturday at noon. Now that I am a little further west, I have come to appreciate the tranquility of a southerly trip down 15 as well.

As a designer of such sprinkler systems, this idea intrigues me.

Rock solid 60fps with max settings at 1440p on an i5-4670k, 16gb ram and 980 ti with all hardware running at stock settings. I am shocked by the lack of CTDs (knock on wood) and while it usually looks pretty good, there are times where it is truly impressive.

Let me guess....one of the well priced Catleap/Nixeus monitors from the Orient? 1440p is awesome, I have them at home and at work and have to spend far too much time in front of them. If bound to a desk like I so often am, it is a huge quality of life increase over 1080p.

Wow you sure stirred up a bit of butt hurt with that comment. I have never seen Canadians commenting in such an un-Canadian manner.