
Don’t forget this one - Orioles vs White Sox after the riot

That is exactly how I have always traveled from the Frederick, MD area down to TN. It always feels like the expanse between Harpers Ferry/Berryville and the TN state line is a stretch of barren desert between oases.

Starred for Lock Stock reference.

Amen, but might I add *minced* pork. With the vinegar based nectar of the gods, of course.

My first PRS was an SE I got almost a decade ago and the only piece of hardware not up to the standards of the rest of the guitar was the nut (it would not relinquish its grip on the G string *insert jokes about strippers and/or lube here*). It is no made in Maryland Custom 24, but it doesn’t really try to be, either.

I have been trying to resist the urge to snag a Reverend, all I have heard is positive words about them.

Amen to that, anything that worked for SRV, it works for me (other than those strings of his, best suited to those who could arm wrestle a grizzly bear). I don’t think there has been anyone that can make a guitar just submit to their will quite like SRV.

That 22nd fret is the only downside to me as far as my MIM models. I have a Baja Tele and a Classic Player Strat and I can only say that they are as good/better than many MIA models I have had/played. This is no doubt helped by the presence of a lot of hardware not normally found on the MIMs, but also the workers in

As someone with a lot of family in East TN and plenty of experience in the area, I always thought the terms “chintzy” and “flimsy” were solely relegated to describing Pigeon Forge?

Now playing

This. Is. Foaming! This one never gets old.

I enjoyed the video, as well as the comprehensive disclaimer to ward off the Fun Police.

I think this might defeat the cheaper maintenance part of his reasoning behind wanting the Porsche over an Enzo. Tough sell.

I always preferred the term “metric fuckton”, or “metric fucktonne” if you want to be pedantic. Although I admit that metric assload could have its uses, like when measuring the rear end girth of the old Porsche Panamera.

I also have a PRS and a mexi-Strat, and despite having had the Strat for almost 15 years I have just never been able to love it. Part of that may be the sacrilege of having a humbucker in the bridge (my teenage self would like a do-over on that choice) but I have been thinking lately about gutting/modding much of the

I know I’m a day late but as someone who embraces AA, therapy, and the careful application of medication, I really think you hit the nail on the head here. I first got sober six years ago and had a short stint on an anti depressant as well as seroquel for sleep. This helped immeasurably, especially since not being

One could probably make a video of the golden Trabant shower and find a buyer for it over there. I really hope erotic car desecration isn’t a real thing.

I can’t believe Cazadores have spread all the way from New Vegas to Poland. I thought I had exterminated them.

Addicts are EVERYWHERE. Every occupation, every walk of life. I hope it works out for your friend.

Recovery is good shit. And I fully agree with your statement.

The setup: My second car was a black ‘04 Accord v6 Coupe. I was turning left into a shopping center one day and an older gentleman tried to pull out of the shopping center at the same time, smashing into my driver’s side door. Away my car went to a body shop, and after almost two weeks I finally got the call to come