
Unless it’s recycled aluminium, that won't help much. Refining bauxite requires an enormous amount of energy.

Motorcycle racing can be so cruel sometimes. Vale, Jason.

It’s quite different in terms of the fluency you require, isn’t it? And my French definitely was not to the technical level I required to interact with other researchers in a way that was actually useful.

I still plan to learn French (and German), but they're not near the top of my priorities right at the moment. I can see that they would be useful.

I had about six months of once-a-week French, which would have been okay on holiday, I think. But insufficient for the technical work that I was trying to do.

My French would have worked well enough on holiday, but I was trying to do technical work, for which it was unfortunately inadequate.

I think I would have had enough to get by if I was holidaying there. Unfortunately, I did not have enough to get by as a postgraduate researcher.

Had it been a holiday I would have had enough to get by. I did not have enough to get by as a postgraduate researcher.

I knew that it was important, but trying to learn it in six months with no previous experience of the language while also starting a doctorate it just wasn’t feasible to learn enough to get by unfortunately.

I mean it’s only one thing, but it’s a BIG thing, and it would have been really bloody handy in France!


I’m not sure I’d use the word passenger. It's accurate, but there are more accurate words you could use to describe her.

He was running at Norris’s pace by the latter stages of the race, and I’m really hoping that means he started to get a handle on the “weird” (as described by Sainz) way that you have to drive the MCL35.

While I haven’t driven one, I’d agree with you on that. I have driven a current-gen 3, and for all that people talk about the fun of driving them, I didn’t really feel it. The steering feel is non-existent, for one thing.

I was so disappointed when it was cancelled.

Such a cool little vehicle. And it wouldn’t have needed too big a battery either.

If only they’d put it into production, you could have saved some money:

Iamb braking you're hart? Eye am sew sorry two here that.

What you really want to do is buy a car with a heavy clutch and a broken handbrake. I know from experience that you get good at heel-toeing really fast.

The writers never worry about reading the scenarios, why should he?