
It’s like the Mustang engine wash. Just magic.

I can certainly understand the rationale, but I think their revenue drop has a lot to do with it, and it seems unlikely that they would have made this move if that hadn’t happened. I certainly hope that it’s a good move on their part, and that they can make very good use of the extra funds they now have available.

If they’re having to retrench a bunch of employees and sell their manufacturing site then lease it back, they’re doing it because it’s a necessity.

The last thing that building needs is another storey...

The thing you don’t really want is high-intensity, small-area lights, particularly at the back of a car. You need a certain amount of luminous power (by regulation) while keeping luminous intensity low enough that you don’t dazzle drivers behind you.


I’m sure this is a necessary move for the company, but damn if it doesn’t look like a bad option in the long term. It’s like companies that make employees redundant then end up having to hire them back as consultants at far higher prices.

Exactly. Like if you work out every second day, you can work out 4 times a week.

Great minds think alike...

That’s a fair point, but as you say it’s not super-relevant to these cars. If you wanted to track a 911 in a serious way, you’d do the sensible thing and buy an old GT3 car (an actual race vehicle), because it’s so much cheaper than using a car that’s been designed and certified for road use.

True. Like every single non-GT 911 seemed to get optioned with a friggin’ sunroof until they were actually standard.

Yeah, that seems to be the case. The previous owner of my car had the same thought and fitted a fixed bucket (badly, mind you). It was a godawful thing.

The seats are the one thing I don’t understand about GT3s - I suppose that it might come down to trackday regulations, but it’s not like you don’t see other vehicles with reclinable seats during trackdays, so that doesn’t make too much sense.

I dunno - seems pretty sharky to me...

For backroads shenanigans give me a rally rep or a hot hatch over any of them.

I don't really think of the Model S as a muscle car, in the same way I don't think of a V12 S-Class as a muscle car - they're both very quick, but they're not rowdy. Muscle cars need to be loud and lairy.

The muscle cars nowadays very explicitly reference those 60s and 70s cars though - they’re basically remakes of those vehicles. Today’s muscle cars wouldn’t exist without those cars from the ‘60s and ‘70s.

In that setup, if the winch takes in a foot of cable, the vehicle moves back six inches (slightly less if you account for the angle subtended by the line as it runs between the two rear anchor points and the rear of the vehicle, but that’s negligible). Six inches of line is taken out of each of the two lines at the

Yeah - similar, but I saw a bear looking down like it’s about to catch a salmon.

Stick to red and yellow?