
Yeah, the cars are insanely long now. The W10 was a foot longer than an X223 Maybach. 2 inches wider too. A maximum wheelbase and length requirement would make a big difference. The cars would be livelier too.

Your point about the prize money distribution is very well made - if there was an even distribution of revenue it would help to mitigate the entrenched success/death spiral that we see at present. The front-running teams would still get more income because they have bigger sponsors willing to invest more money, but at

In the minds of some people he already is. Probably about 74,222,593 people...

And they’re either too set in their ways or just too plain dumb to learn now I think.

You think they really understand consequences? They've never had to deal with them before in their lives.

Nope - tax is based on fuel type and CO2 emissions now (since 2001). Relatively poor fuel economy might do it, but engine size is not the issue.

I don't really blame you - seeing out of that mask must be terribly difficult.


Exactly. It's like a car that nickel-and-dimes you to death because you can't afford a slightly more expensive and reliable one initially.

Nice comment/handle synergy there...

Corinthian Leatherface, say it ain't so!

Mesh over something else? McLaren have/had something called Space Fabric for the seats in the MP4-12C, and Ferrari used a very similar fabric (called ‘Two Layer’ fabric, rather creatively...). The same stuff is used as inserts in the Nissan XTERRA apparently. It’s meant to be hard-wearing, grippy and well-ventilated,

That’s the Vimes Theory of Economic Injustice:

Only very tangentially related, but shoutout to Xtreme Clutch! They manufacture them in my hometown, where they have a factory on the awesomely-named Hakkinen Road (yes, it’s named after Mika, though they don't have the umlauts in the name).

Is it really shifting if it's continuously variable though?

It needs to be slightly more symmetrical...

And it should be noted that the claims of fraud have just about as much of a basis in evidence as Trump's did. It's just that in the case of Myanmar, the military are separate from the government, so when they claim fraud they just use the might-makes-right approach.

That "check electric motor" symbol looks like it will be interpreted by most people as a battery.

Crashed into the parking lot of an elementary school, then into a tree: