Neck beard cringe

Ditto - not to mention, it was WAY easier to get music, photos, etc. on and off the device - use it just like a USB device, drag and drop - and the telephone functionality itself was vastly superior in terms to iPhoneof sound quality and connectivity.

Ok , you need to go deep for this .

I’m set for the day! Thank you.

You’re in luck, as we covered that very topic last November:

Run this with an article about why dialogue is mixed too quiet and all other things are mixed too loud and I’m set for the day.

“Honestly, I wish I would care a little more.”

Except it wasn’t obvious. “Wednesday” is owned by MGM.  Netflix had produced season 1 before MGM was acquired by Amazon.  There was speculation that there was going to be a rights dispute and that “Wednesday” may move to Amazon.

Funny that the a lot of the same people that vilify Saudi Arabia, Qatar, or the Taliban are the same ones trying to make America just like them.

Smallville was largely cheeseball corn, but it got a few things very right and one of them was Jonathan Kent.

I hear that.

Yeah, nothing is more irritating than turning on the subtitles to catch some turn of phrase someone with a thick UK accent said, and you realize whoever did the subtitles had no idea what was said either.

I generally don’t have a problem either with the sound or the video quality, aside from for whatever reason having to adjust the volume based on whatever streaming service I’m using (why isn’t the volume the same between Prime and HBO Max? a mystery!), and honestly I sometimes wonder if it’s because I DON’T have any

I must be watching the wrong movies and TV shows, or I just lucked into a anomalous acoustical situation in my den (built in the mid-1970s, using super-cheap mini-speakers), because I really don’t have this problem.

“If you’re using a soundbar,” Bondelevich said, “Get the best soundbar you can afford. And if you’re listening on your earbuds or headphones, get good headphones. If it’s a noisy environment, get over-the-ear headphones. They do really isolate sound much better and do not use noise canceling headphones because those

I started using subtitles on the latest season of True Detective because that southern mumbling dialect was impossible to decipher, I haven’t turned of subtitles since, and I am glad there is an actual reason for it, and not that I am just an aging Gen X’er.

You completely failed the premise of the headline. You told us that kids in nice clothes are being banned... But not WHY!

Saving the best for last.

Squeeze me babe, ‘til the midichlorians run down my leg

They’ll squeeze it until there’s nothing left but the rind and then they’ll squeeze that for the oil.