Great article. Also thanks for the heads up on the exhaust cable. You just saved me a ton.....
Great article. Also thanks for the heads up on the exhaust cable. You just saved me a ton.....
Great article. Also thanks for the heads up on the exhaust cable. You just saved me a ton.....
Great article. Also thanks for the heads up on the exhaust cable. You just saved me a ton.....
Haven’t we learnt anything...........
Can some one please explain to me what the term/word “warfighting” stands for ?
Just watched , How To Talk To Girls At Parties. I believe that it was quite ....... out there .....
This deserves all the stars....
Great article. good read Thanks for sharing it
This !
It’s comments like this that make me keep comin back to the kinjaverse !
Hufflepuffs assemble !
I cant’t believe that I had to scroll this far down the comment rabbit hole to find a decent opinion...
But but but.... I thought Bush 2.0, was a cool thing at the moment !
... & SPACE ...
Good Kinja !
So exactly how is this different from that exciting new invention aka Google Glass ?
I am actually quite curious to know, what do the boys at foxtrot alpha think about this move ?