I’m unequivocally sorry that you and your boyfriend have had a bad time of things, and I wish him nothing but the best.
I too am a fan of cooter!
I think Cecily Bum Trinket really needs to make a comeback. We need this now more than ever.
You made yourself and your personal suffering a special case worthy of notice during a time wherein droves have died while losing access to healthcare and their means of livelihood while, by your own admission, your loved one has access to healthcare and you have been gainfully employed.
Did that commenter question how hard your time has been in this past year? I just read it again and your shitty time this year or anyone’s wasn’t exactly in question. You seemed to bring this up out of nowhere? The topic was not writing off Texas despite who they keep electing and how those elected officials keep makin…
...and yet your response to a reasoned, nuanced counter-argument completely ignored the substance of that argument. How did that contribute in any way, other than to establish your suffering bonafides?
I was gonna say... I thought snatch wasn’t okay. I mean, it’s not c-word levels bad, but still heavily frowned upon.
Never liked the term snatch, something about it gives me the skeevers.
How is this relevant to the topic. You and countless others are having a shitty time. The families that lost people are worse off perhaps? Is this the suffering olympics?
The impact of your analogy seems to be overshadowed by the fact that you’ve tried dog food-and it’s good!?!
You’d pay $20k to eat dog food?
I did that Wizard of Oz thing back in the 90's. We were a couple songs into The Bends by Radiohead before anyone realized Dark Side of the Moon ended and the CD player moved on.
There’s a rumour going around the internet that if you turn the sound off and cue up Dark Side of the Moon just as the HBO logo appears, you’ll be having a much better time.
Leading to the inevitable #ReCutTheSnyderCut movement.
And I heard one gets the same effect from playing it forwards. It’s a palindrome!
I tried explaining this to several people as well. Trump was a horrible person who said horrible things. He was also wonderfully incompetent and so thoroughly disengaged in actually managing he didn’t accomplish nearly as much as a normal functioning adult could (see Pence -which would have been a true disaster).…
Just wait 20 years until they start glorifying trump just like they’re currently doing with Reagan.
The waterboardings will continue until compliance improves?