Rarely Sober Insomniac

Tom Cotton is like a fucking parody name for a South Park racist, or something you fight at the end of the Putrescent Plantation zone in Darkest Dungeon.

Better than in a grassy field near a house, I suppose.

“I lost a couple to friction-atrophy, of course, just like with the last batch. A few were defective.”

So, the pro-pig faction is now saying that a black person, in order to participate in our societal justice system, must not BEFORE OR AFTERWORDS have displayed, internalized, or acted upon anything that can be considered political.

I’m glad they have finally added entirely new enemy types and not just re-skinned or re-tooled versions of the same foes that players have been facing for years now!

This is the face of a man who has eaten all of the edibles for the entire weekend, and they are beginning to kick in.

“I’m the most powerful woman in the world!”

I misread the headline for a moment and thought that Key and Nas were going to be in a new Final Fantasy.

“Legalize weed!”

You are.

I think I just violently hemorrhaged brain matter merely imagining a conversation between those two idiots.

Invincible has a gay character, as well, on Prime.

Prison wallet!

Toss a little loss on the cuffs and Jerry would be quiet the fancy little lordling!

The translation software has either malfunctioned or is on the cusp of becoming fully sentient.

You are correct, it didn’t require firearms. The cop-apologists that are on this thread and all over the internet keep saying the officer “saved a life” by shooting the girl with the knife but a knife wound (sometimes DOZENS of knife wounds) does not equate to an immediate killing.

<Vibrates with complete agreement.>

Oh, I have faith in the talent of the writing staff and the actors. I’m just worried from a technical perspective but, to be honest, even if the effects aren’t up to snuff the show is still going to be worth watching for the characters alone.

Considering the notoriously low level of intelligence and critical thinking displayed by the brotherhood of the badge, this would possibly lead to cop on cop bullshittery that would be, to be frank, fucking hilarious:

I’ll lend my agreement to your assessment!