Rarely Sober Insomniac

“Watch out!  It’s a SOULNADO!” is an actual line from the games, and it haunts me to this day.

Yup. Same thing with the current GOP; anything that isn’t them is the other and an enemy to be hated, derided, and attacked. Logic and reason don’t factor into whether or not these assholes are for or against something, just whose “team” is, for lack of a better word, winning at any moment.

You swap out “forehead veins” with “pants” and I think your post would still be accurate.

oh my laaaawrd you are right


If you have purchased this horrific item, I have but this advice to give:

Local AK commercial up here bitches about our intoxicated driver numbers while showing HUGE FAT NUGS AND JOINTS rolling all around the screen, with a few pills scattered around for seasoning.

Love rich gaming universe!

“When asked how he it felt to be compared to Limp Bizkit Grohl, reputed to be the chillest man on earth, killed our interviewer with his bare hands and vanished howling into the night.”

He is active military, and he made the Army look bad. This man is going to get the everloving shit kicked out of him, several times, over the course of the next few weeks by the Army.

I feel like we flirt with madness if we take too long considering the mystery of the ill-proportioned ass that undulates before us.

I 100% think that the “Boo this man, boooooo!” punishment is one of the few, sans murder, that is effective against the rich and the “elite.”

You should probably give the queen a solid four months before you start blowing up her phone, I’d say.

“The evil black lady is to blame because, uh...black! Blame the black lady!”

That actually sounds pretty great.

Sagal is great in many things, and will probably act her ass off in that show inasmuch as the writing will allow.

Allow me to quickly share with you an ancient Alaskan saying that, in my honest opinion, summarises how I feel about the idea of being horse-traded for DC statehood:

Pretty much 100% my response.

While it has become much less common among the younger generation (in my observations) the Russian Orthodox up here in AK still occasionally drive around with their wife in the back seat.

You must be right.