Rapunzel's Frying Pan

I keep a bottle of this in my locker for post-workout shower. It’s heaven! (Also comes in bar form if you swing that way.)

The problem with spectacular natural areas is that they are often dangerous places by their nature and the only way to prevent tragic accidents is to totally destroy the place. I live in Nova Scotia and there is a beautiful little village called Peggy’s Cove with big, impressive waves. It can also be pretty dangerous

Well, we have millions ready to elect Donald Trump sooo. . . .

Plus a little mason jar of sugar, half olive oil, half coconut oil and some rosemary essential oil for gettin’ soft and smellin’ sweet.

People have a false sense of security in a National Park because they think “Park”. Yellowstone is a pretty wild place, lots of ways to die and very little to do with unprovoked animal attacks. We did the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone hike when the kids were 5, 7, & 9. Even in broad daylight, my husband tied my youngest

I went to yellowstone as a kid and was *terrified* by the park. the signs everywhere were about staying on paths because you could drop right into the caldera anywhere (thin crust of dirt), the hot springs can kill you, and basically death is every corner.

For what it’s worth :0) I don’t think you’re mean or judgy at all- I just think it’s annoying how many Americans suffer from “it-won’t-happen-to-me-itis”. 🙂

I was at Yellowstone this summer, and was talking with a relative who had talked to some rangers. They said all the wildlife and natural environment has been studied to help keep people informed and safe, but studies need to be done on VISITORS to learn how to best communicate with them. The parks are at wits’ end

I think people see ‘National Park’ and assume ‘oh, I’m safe!’ which is true, hopefully. But it’s also an attitude of going in unprepared mixed with often an idea that ‘oh, that terrible thing won’t happen to me’.

The paradox of the legislation that makes the parks service and the park service mission is inherent and endlessly challenging. How do you do this: “for which purpose is to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner

Ok, I got a little heated there, I’m sorry I went off. I just value our national parks very highly and there are seriously people I’ve talked to who would like to see guard rails put in on every trail and a paved road to every lookout to eliminate as much risk as possible. If you’ve never been to a national park i

I think once you visit someplace like The Grand Canyon you see how impossible would be to make it safe. I was terrified on many occasions when I was there.

You can’t protect people from the natural hazards of the great outdoors. It’s impossible.

I watched a guy perch out on a ledge this summer. It was windy as all hell; just watching him made me nervous.

When I was at the Grand Canyon a dude stood on a rock jutting over the terrifying drop and held his baby son out like it was Lion King. Then there was the group of Japanese teenagers who slid over the edge of the Canyon onto a small ledge, crouched down, and popped up for selfie/snapchats/videos. People are either

There are, but the is a certain level of ‘we will take the necessary strides to help you, tell you, inform you, educate you, stop you, but after a certain point it’s your personal responsibility’. There are a ton of signs, a lot of information, more popular points and overlooks have fencing/barricades. They have

One can’t childproof entire canyons. People have to use common sense. “Socializing” on the edge of a canyon at 3am would not be recommended.

My 21yo daughter just applied for a job at the Grand Canyon. I would always have extra worry for her safety if she worked there just due to the nature of the park.

There are regulations, but depending on the National Park, not always a lot of safety features. After all, there’s a limit to how much you can secure nature - it’s not like they can really build railings along the entire Canyon, or even along trails.

National Forests insulate visitors even less.

I think that at places like these, there are signs posted to warn people of hidden dangers, i.e. loose sand that can give way or a sudden drop that isn’t seen from a distance. But for the most part, we can only rely on common sense and taking extra precautions, like don’t get close to the edge. I know that a few