I thought she sounded good. Take your point on her energy though - she seemed a little tired.
I thought she sounded good. Take your point on her energy though - she seemed a little tired.
Why not?
the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.
On the plus side, somewhat fewer school districts single out trans kids for full on torture. You’d be lucky not to have a multi school conspiracy against you in the 90's, and that’s if you were trying to stay in the closet. Happened to me. Happened to friends. I’m sorry it is still happening to trans people,…
I literally know zero women who give a shit about who pees in the bathroom with them. And I live in maybe the most conservative state imaginable. But all the men are outraged. Your assessment is spot on.
I am aware, however every time I see an article about a Supreme Court ruling, I rediscover my rage over the fact that there still haven’t been any congressional hearings for Obama’s appointee.
Starred because I want everybody to see how you’re so desperate to spew ignorance that you took a tongue-first flying leap down here to the comments and didn’t notice that the article is about a male transgender student.
Do you transphobics ever even bother to read the article?
I’m a firm believer in the adversarial system and I appreciate a vigorous defense of any client, no matter how much of a dirtbag s/he is.
Seconded. I’m sick of people defending lawyers like her saying they’re just doing their job. Your job is optional. You don’t have to defend rapists, believe it or not.
She’s obviously telling the truth. There’s way too much pointing to Luke being guilty. No one who has worked directly with Luke and Kesha has come out and defended him in any way. Feminists know well how the legal system screws over victims.
Someone witnessed one of the alleged sexual assaults. They were deposed in a previous case. There are also other accusers who will testify that Luke abused them as well.
I think the reason they cherry pick the assholes is because there were enough of them showing up at the DNC acting disrespectfully and disrupting speakers. And it may have just been these few loud cherry picked assholes - but they were disrespectful enough that they deserve to be called out. Also that is Samantha…
Dude, chill.
She’s soaring in the polls and her lead will increase to double digits after the debates.
ED = eating disorder. lots of initialism out in the world
honestly, through all of this, I worry most about her ED and hope that she isn’t falling on that to regain the sense of control that she probably feels she is missing. This poor woman and all she has been through — her poor body — it breaks my heart