Rapunzel's Frying Pan

I’m getting a strong “wannabe Winona Ryder” vibe.

Bravo to these beautiful, talented girls. It is heartbreaking that any child has to be growing up in a shelter, extra infuriating when a working parent is not being paid a living wage. Hopefully the publicity will shame her employer into giving her some paid time off.

No. Signing up to a religious school shouldn’t mean that you’re agreeing to be expelled if you get raped at on off-campus party. Even if you were drinking. This is the reason that zero tolerance is an awful policy. It punishes the extraordinarily guilty to the same degree as the mildly guilty. It does not allow for

I looked at Baylor when I was in high school, mainly because others outside my family pushed me to do so. My parents and I went for a tour, heard the housing rules - no men in the dorms, strict curfew, visitation hours for family and friends - and we noped out of there. As my mom said, she fought (and won) to overturn

“We care. No, not about you, what’s wrong with you? Shut up.”

You’d think Green would wait to get to Rio to go viral.

Ah, so this is what they meant when they said Draymond was “undersized” for his position.

Oh neat, it looks like Neapolitan ice cream.

Especially since Rose’s plastic surgery was the result of a really bad car accident. He and his wife are such raging assholes.

“Lesbian shitass” is one of the funniest, most random insults on this planet. It's the best thing to come out of the Baio/Jezebel feud.

Oh, and the husband of a playboy playmate has some nerve to call out people for getting plastic surgery!!!

Us lesbian shitasses clearly need to support Mcgowan in this. Where do we buy our “Team Rose” shirts at??

I’m starting* to think Trump is a pathological liar. He constantly lies about trivial things, his lies are instantly and easily exposed, yet he continues on as if nothing happened. Take for instance all the supposed speakers at the convention. Right after he says Big Ben and Tebow will be there, it’s immediately shot

Right? I’m 34 and I’m like, nope. This kid looks like he’s in high school. I imagine he smells like Axe body spray, hair gel, and weed. Or, like, an Abercrombie & Fitch, Red Bull, and the Febreeze his mother sprays around his bedroom. Nope.

I’m middle-aged, so he looks twelve to me. No thanks.

Oh man! I’m buying this on Bluray to go with The Last Samurai and 47 Ronin as an unofficial ‘wait, what? Why’s that guy here?’ trilogy.

Up next, The Great Wall of China starring Matt Damon.

Frozen is overrated!!! (I actually love it but Rapunzel is my fave)

Aww thanks, I’m seriously blushing haha, that was very nice of you to say, you're a good noodle yourself :)