Rapunzel's Frying Pan

omgooooooood i caaaaaant

It’s available at Whole Foods. I don’t shop there for anything except Calm. If you’re ever interested, definitely try it!

oh my god

That’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever received on Jezebel. Not exaggerating. Thank you, friend. <3

I will be thinking of you all week! If you want to and it’s possible, try and get it wash by someone, whether it’s DryBar or a friend. It feels sooooooo good.

You will. Accept it now.

I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother, but I love your attitude about it. My mim says, “Some of the best grandmothers are made so by the worst ones. Living a full life is a prerequisite for the job, don’t forget!”

I’m sorry about the downturn, but I’m glad you have high spirits. I think you will be fine. :) Be sure to keep me in the loop, ‘cause I wanna know how you’re doing.

It’s come up twice this week. I think I’m going to have to finally get a twitter account. I’ll make one this week and follow up on the next SNS. :)

Absolutely, I will once I start feeling up to going out and about! Thank you. <3

Yes. Have you tried Calm? The lemony magnesium powder that you can put in hot water? I don’t know if it has been scientifically proven to work, but it helps me loads at night.

Oof, that sounds rough. I’m really glad you’re on your way to being better. <3

I know, it sucks. :/ The rheumatologist suggested ME, but he said he couldn’t be sure. Not his area. He referred me to an ME specialist in Torrence who’s supposed to be amazing, but the next appointment available is six months out.

Ooooh. If you’re ever so inclined, post a picture, even if it’s just the back of your head. I love hair colour. It’s one of my favourite beauty things.

Thank you. <3 She is truly the best. This earth does not deserve her.

She asked me what “internet” I was on, and I told her it was Jez. She said, “I will be Jezebel’s grandmother tonight.” lol she’s the best <3

Of course! Good luck, and keep us posted. :)

Seeing Hamilton was one of the best experiences of my life. I’m so happy for you that you get to go! Get your butt to the MoMA, and tell us how your trip goes!

I read that you have a therapist, which is awesome. If it doesn’t seem to be depression, I might suggest going to your general physician and getting basic blood work done to see if you have any deficiencies. Some people think that’s bullshit, but I personally have seen a great improvement from taking B12 and D3

Oh, I bet it looks so pretty. Balayage and Davines are both awesome. Treat yoself!