Personally, I go with Colombo meets The Fugitive/Incredible Hulk, because of Charlie being pursued. But, hey, they all work!
Personally, I go with Colombo meets The Fugitive/Incredible Hulk, because of Charlie being pursued. But, hey, they all work!
“Oh my God, you killed Karen”, and the Stevens boys still walk their respective planets. As ever, CogentComment, Alex and others have covered most of my reactions. I see some of you didn’t care whether Karen lived or died, but hers was one of the stories I wanted to see next season. I was looking forward to her being…
Definitely Henry, after tiring of mopey Stan. But I’m still annoyed they didn’t take him to Moscow to jump start the KGB Cyberhacking Division. Final payoff for all those years playing video games, and tapping away at his monitor, in the background.
Zahn McClarnon is great. To the ones mentioned, I’ll add his outstanding turn in Westworld as Akecheta, especially the 2nd season episode, Kiksuya. But his career also points out the dearth of Native American roles and lack of imagination in casting them. Like Chief Dan George, Graham Greene, and Wes Studi (also…
I agree that the Russians are being pragmatic. I was calling it ominous in reference to the staging, the tight conspiratorial close-ups, and the swelling music, intended to indicate something’s amiss.
I’m surprised no one has picked up on my immediate presumption about the ominous conversation between the Russians. The Soviets are going to insist that the first pregnancy off-planet should lead to the first abortion, to eliminate the risk to the mission, Which, given the more conservative American climate (need for…
Mea culpa! He put his thumb over it, and I missed it.
Yes, indeed! Damn these split seasons playing havoc with my memory. (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)
On the BCS podcast, there was extravagent praise for the hair and makeup folks who engineered that flip.
At the time, Giancarlo and Vince were playing coy about their relationship. Most people read them as lovers, and eventually even Vince, who loves ambiguity, confirmed it.
As a huge fan of The Americans (I was that guy bugging all my friends to watch it from the pilot on. Most of them came around), I’m ashamed to admit how long it took me to realize Lev Gorn was playing Kuznetsov. I blame the beard, and how much he trimmed down to get into cosmonaut shape.
FWIW, I’m pretty sure Helios supplied the booze, along with the gourmet chow. But I agree with all of this. I know the continuing competitiveness gives rise to rushing projects and cutting corners. But the lack of discipline and order is getting absurd. And, as I mentioned elsewhere, nobody on Helios is checking the ph…
Jimmy didn’t steal Rossi’s badge. It was the guy at the snack cabinet. His badge was on top of the papers before Sunny pulled her diversion. When it was over, the guy picked up the papers and the badge was gone. Jimmy had overcome his qualms and snagged it. Why the Conspiracy Bros didn’t use it to sneak into offices th…
Thanks, CogentComment, for living up to your name. I headed over here to say all of that, but you’ve covered just about everything. I’ll add a couple of things: Is there no medical officer on the Helios team? Or, at least, someone to check inventory on the precious, limited supply of pharmaceuticals for a two-year mis…
It’s always been terrifying when she deploys that cold calculating side. The other time Kim stepped in when Jimmy couldn’t quite close the deal was when Lalo visited their apartment the first time.
Yes. I definitely thought she was picking up the cash (and leaving the breakfast bar.)
I certainly recognized Reed, and the Homicide connection, as well. I took that sequence as a rare instance of Gus letting his guard down, and enjoying a brief flirtation. Then slamming the gates back down and moving on, knowing what his relationship with Max, and, yes, I’m in the ‘they were lovers’ camp, had cost both …
As a New Yorker who detests Hudson Yards, and especially its reviled suicide magnet, the Vessel, I find the idea of it existing solely in a robot’s nightmare simulation strangely comforting.
The High Line was a great idea, on paper, but it’s getting weird, too, as it gets hemmed in with Star-citect Vanities on all…
Not knowing the source material, when Vigilante was introduced, I assumed he was just a lame, wanna-be copycat. Some guy who grew up with Chris, and wanted to be like him, but badly, as comic relief. The way they took him from the kid hiding behind a dumpster to the badass taking down all of Auggie’s thugs in jail was …