I think they gave Number One a name in the Strange New Worlds preview, but I can’t be bothered to look it up. In the end, I was OK with the Pike Enterprise getting shoehorned into Disco. But when that registration started popping up in that Season One finale, I was so hoping it was a head fake and the Defiant showed up…
As Warren Zevon said after his terminal diagnosis, “Enjoy every sandwich”.
Since we’re sliding off topic, and this is 5 days late, so no-one will see it, I had the same experience with “A Fish Called Wanda”. Saw it with a group of friends, most of us British ex-pats, so we were howling throughout, while the rest of the SoCal folks around us wondered why. And Cleese’s speech about what a pain…
For the full effect, you need to say “dreams” at least once.
As an avid Le Carre fan, I bequeth you a star for “”scheming and brandy, etc.”
Completely agree on the absurdities of Asimox’s desire to retcon, and clumsily stitch together, all of his major series. Arthur C. Clarke had the same problem, writing endless sequels to Rama and 2001, out of his idiotic compulsion to explain every bloody thing in the Universe. As “The Leftovers” taught us, Let the Mys…
That was well done. And, as they trotted out, I completely called Ted trying to do the Hoosiers speech, and the immediate rejoinders.
Thank you for the “After Hours: London” shoutout! One of my favorite movies from that weird patch of the 80s. In the fantasy arthouse cinema I program in my head, it always plays in a double feature with “Something Wild”. But I’m certainly hoping Coach Beard runs into a Rosanna Arquette or Melanie Griffith, and not Ray…
Not to mention “Tusk”, during the crucial chase scene. But, yeah, they had to pick their moments, and did it damn well. Just to bookend it, “With or Without You” in the finale was brilliant.
Especially on Christmas, after a few too many nogs, or whatever.
Absolutely this! Plus, it allowed them to sneak in another “Love Actually” reference, the PM having to go down the whole street, at the dodgy end, to find Natalie. Which is why the first kid asked if they were going to sing.
And I loved them revamping the creepy ‘Cue Cards’ scene! That never felt right.
I know this will never be seen, but this aged well! I lasted only only 2-3 episodes into the rebooted Strike Back.
(FYI, I’m revisiting these during my HBOMax rewatch.)
Not Twin Peaks, Norse-ern Exposure!
He used to joke around in interviews about his name, saying it had too many ‘D’s, and if you take them all out, he’s E-war Woo-war. (Which turns him into a Star Wars character.)
Did you have to mention Mike Colter’s available? So, Fargo could have been the very unofficial, time-jumped continuation of Luke Cage?
(Yes, I liked season 2. It just should have been 8-10 episodes.)
Given the situation in the trial, and this being the “Perry Mason” origin story, I’m fine with paying off the juror. He thought it was his only shot, and then gets the payoff that his brilliant, hastily composed, closing would have worked regardless. It sets up perfectly for next season, when Ham(ilton) Burger will, fi…
When he showed up at the diner and introduced himself to Perry, the quip that popped into my head was Perry saying, “Well, I know what you’re ordering.” (I’m glad the writer’s room didn’t go there.)
Come on, AoS! You give us Phil Headroom. And he didn’t stutter when he saw “M-M-Mac!” So, at the end, I was sure he was going to when he finally saw “M-M-May”! Grrrrrr!
Of course, maybe Coke has a copyright on the effect. Which would be sweetly ironic.
You mean, the Chia Beard?!?!