And no doubt the reaction to this article from that demographic will be articulate and dignified and won’t turn into an embarrassing mess like every other Root article that mentions them...
And no doubt the reaction to this article from that demographic will be articulate and dignified and won’t turn into an embarrassing mess like every other Root article that mentions them...
Fuck, I thought you meant the band
First Kid Rock has always sucked.
Trust me, as a fellow fit person, everything is just a long con to be able to post pictures of yourself without a shirt on.
Looks like he picked the wrong week to quit lifting weights…
Say what you will about TR, but “how hard can you punch a moose?” is a fairer metric for for talent than any measure they use to choose our Masters of the Universe with these days.
Teddy Roosevelt would be proud of this show of muscular progressivism.
Oh good, here we go! We’re barely two days removed from POTUS publicly siding with a hostile foreign power over his own intelligence community, and the news cycle is already slowly moving on to the outrage over his walk back, then the outrage over his talking heads’ outrage over the outrage over his walkback. Today…
The best part is when she fell through the ceiling.
shut up both of you
I think she was upset about being publicly shamed, but I don’t for one second think she gives a shit about those kids.
“You’re a Nazi and you have bad breath.”
Eh, they’re still trash.
technically its an incel phone
On the other side, adviser Stephen Miller is taking sadistic joy in seeing photos of crying children and triggering outrage among liberals and traditional conservatives.