His hair ran away to find a less racist head
His hair ran away to find a less racist head
I would watch a live feed of this editor working in real time. Seriously.
You see what happens, Larry?
I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!
Jefferson’s entire problem with weed boils down to a boyhood association that “Negroes smoke marijuana cigarettes.” Demonizing weed is simply the most publicly acceptable presentation of his racism.
Ok Jeff, show me on the doll where weed hurt you.
Wholeheartedly appreciating the Mighty Boosh reference in the title
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
The abuse-free elevator tweet was NOT a joke?!?!?!
I dōn’t sēē whāt thē prōblēm īs?
It’s pretty fucked up people have to risk their lives to shop at Wal-Mart; a company which buys some of it’s lower cost produce from an Agrabusiness using American prison labor.
Gee I wonder what the merits will be
Yeah, sending the bulk of your forces across a large open field against artillery and tens of thousands of men who were carrying guns while sheltered behind barricades, was sheer military genius.
Faux, jerry jones, and trump and others will be even madder at kneeling nfl players on sunday..
So the NYPD has already labeled this as terrorism. See if it is a brown guy it’s terrorism, if it is a white guy in a hotel suite with a bunch of guns shooting at concert goers it’s a lone wolf that just wants to exercise his second amendment rights.
You sneaky bastard! (You are a bastard, of course, only because you thought of this before I did. Curses!)
The baby from the Dinosaurs TV show was a fucking asshole. He absolutely is not the best baby, he is one of the worst babies. It’s all about him, he assaults Earl on a regular basis and demand that even after doing such, you must love him. Well I don’t and no one should and I’m glad that show ended with them all dying.
Columbus’ mistake - and it was a mistake, and if he hadn’t been luckily mistaken about land being in the way it would have killed him and his crew - is that he thought the world was much smaller than it actually is and than it was known to be during his lifetime by every relevant expert.
The only dipshits who insist on being so willfully ignorant about the actual details of history are the ones who are invested in maintaining the status quo. Look, history serves a similar purpose to individual self-reflection—it’s where you can see where mistakes were made in thinking and actions, and seek better ways…