
“Look, I don’t pretend to speak for all evangelicals, but this week I have been traveling the country and I’ve literally spoken to thousands and thousands of evangelical Christians,”

Thank you, Mr. President!

Starred, but for the record, it’s Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius).

Counting down to “I never said I would release the transcript....

Naaah, he’ll never do it. He’ll keep saying “I’d love to release the transcript.” “I’m looking forward to releasing the transcript,” he’ll say. “I hope to release the transcript very soon,” he’ll say. “I’ll be happy to release the transcript as soon as you open another DOJ investigation into Hillary Clinton’s

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said the Judiciary should have immediately held him in contempt. “I would have held him in contempt right then and there,”

You are not the only one. All of these click bait articles like the one Kotaku wrote above are just such edgy hot takes and I roll my eyes when they talk about the humor and how we’ve all matured beyond it. I still think bonerfarts is funny. But yes it’s borderlands and it’s a different place with different characters

All I want from this game is more borderlands. Fuck innovation. Not every franchise needs a new gimmick. Give me updated graphics, tighten up the gunplay a bit, improve UI and character movement, and give me new story. They did that. Now they're getting my money.

Am I the only person who find the complaint about a lack of innovation to be completely irrelevant? I mean, how many people who are planning to buy Borderlands 3 want it to be anything other than more Borderlands? I know some people are saying “I was burnt out of Borderlands after the first one, part 2 didn’t tickle

You can take this a step further. CVS eliminated the sale of all tobacco products because “they are unhealthy” but they continue to sell all kinds of alcohol and junk food. I try to keep that in mind when I had friends that died of alcohol-related illnesses and very ill due to junk food. Yeah. They’re concerned.

Wait, Rudy Giuliani was the mayor of NYC during 9/11? THAT Rudy Giuliani? He should mention it more often, it really could be a key part of his brand. 

Fucking disgusting.

For fuck’s sake, just give me a single-player add-on worth buying outright. This live service stuff is getting exhausting.

I’m not sure I’d want to see Intergluteal Cleft opening for anyone.

And that’s why men suck.

“These guys are going to work like we do every day and all they want to feel respect and appreciation, and when you go to work and you don’t feel either one of those, you get depressed...” Gerard said about the NYPD.

Clear and Present Danger was a great Tom Clancy movie. Harrison does a good job of just being an analyst in that one too. The few times he has to engage, he’s portrayed as clumsy.

I love The Hunt for Red October and its version of Jack Ryan. It’s a great story about one nerd being in the right place at the right time with a head full of nerd knowledge that’s perfect for solving one situation.
