
She chose Depraved and never leveled once, or changed her gear.

Okay, but if it was a body double, Trump definitely would say something like, “my wife Melania, she’s right here. This is definitely not a body double.”

In 20 years if Sasha Obama is an advisor to a president and wants to lie about her youth, she should be held to account too.

Let’s just talk logistics: there is zero way a teenager with a box of Nice & Easy dye could go from blue to blonde, especially with fresh blue dye. Zero. Zip. Not happening. Anyone who has ever dyed their hair ever would know this.


You should probably quit teaching. Doesn’t sound like you have the temperament.

they should have punched you in the face in Spanish

seems like you’re an idiot

You knew they were directly speaking about you when using the word puta, or you heard the word puta and automatically assumed they were speaking about you?

You’re racist and you’re lying to yourself about it.

While some are calling for the teacher to be fired, others at the school are defending her, saying on social media that she is a “great person” and a “wonderful teacher,” the International Business Times reported.

Glad to hear you made it through Irma (and all those previous storms) ok. Your comment about the lack of empathy reminds me that the real monster in this slow-motion horror show isn’t even Trump—it’s his supporters. Even if Trump is dragged from the White House in disgrace, there will still be tens of millions of

Am I the only one who blinks a bit at seeing the victim described as an “old man”? I mean, he looks to be about my age and that’s totally not old!

Yes, I remember when it was universally accepted that America as the “shining city on the hill” was at least the goal, even if it didn’t always work out in practice and we couldn’t always agree on how to get there. “America First” is the antithesis of that sentiment, and it’s a profound loss.

And good on her for donating her dinner to the struggle. She’s probably vegan. Vegan soup is hard to come by.

Nah, they can all go to the cornfield.

We should totally help everyone, but 1) it’s particularly egregious when a government ignores or exacerbates the suffering of its own people and 2) I think the MAGAistes have to be reminded that Puerto Ricans are Americans.

They can stay out of my dimension, thank you very much monkeyboy.

You know how fucking morons keep saying that if these athletes don’t want to stand for the anthem, they can move to another country?