
I swear, men are so stupid. Zero people want pictures of our dicks.

Next you’re going to see Jay Sekulow attempt to insist that when Trump was referring to a “witch hunt” it had nothing to do with the special counsel’s activities and was actually in response to the constant accusations of night-dancing and crop-sabotage leveled at Trump by Goody Pritchard.

the whole outfit is very rude in my opinion.

So Mathers basically did this

Audiences and critics are so stupid. Don’t they know there’s nothing more fascinating than a white man in his 50's running around, pretending to be Indiana Jones? 

The “deep state spear” is Newt’s biggest fear and the terror that keeps him up at night: A big ol’ gay liberal dong that thrusts deep into the ‘Murican dream and pumps it full of rainbows and compassion. Oh! And the dong is black, and thinks that women should be allowed to vote.


They don’t really care about aesthetics if they get to play with your stuff.

“Nice: Chris Christie has a 15 percent approval rating, the lowest of any New Jersey governor ever.”

Well now, many guys do care what they look like. But that’s not a reason to feel self conscious.

Your story corroborates everything I know about men. They don’t really care about aesthetics if they get to play with your stuff.

I got my butthole bleached once because I was paranoid that my bf (now husband) was grossed out by its naturally dark color. I didn’t tell him I did it and he never seemed to notice. A couple years later we were joking around with some friends at a dinner and I brought up that I’d had my b-hole bleached and my bf was

I’d like to interject that if you’re aiming at quality doggy style some spreading of the cheeks is desirable (ahem). Then everything would be on display, but really, who cares? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

You’re not wrong Walter you’re just ... well actually you don’t sound like an asshole right now either. Carry on with fucking the NRA.

I think you missed all the times the word “convicted” was used in the article.

Mope Diamond


Barron seems unusually tall. Comey is 6'8". Coincidence?

I heard Barron Trump calls Robert Mueller “Papa Bob.” People are saying this.