
I’m sure Donald was really concerned about Sasha and Malia’s emotional well being when he was peddling his birther bullshit for eight years.

Why on earth do the “rebellious” musicians always turn conservative nutter when they get old? It’s just weird.

This is not very metal at all, Glenn Danzig.

You Are So Right!!!!

I looked at her page...her Aloy is spot on. I actually thought it was a screenshot from the game for a second.

Let it be known (although I still don’t support men hitting women for whatever reason, obvs so this is more general, less about this situation specifically).

You may be joking but I never mentioned religion, that was your assumption. Anyway, no real followers of Islam were involved in this. If anything it’s those that twist the teachings into a complex pretzel of misguided falsehoods.

And more relevant, since some of them will probably end up working there.

You idiot. Fuck him, fuck his wife, and fuck their legacy. Maybe their children will grow up without their parents’ inherent cruelty and sociopathy and will choose a lifestyle that doesn’t involve poaching animals. We can hope. If not? Fuck them, too.

It is possible to both feel sympathy for his children AND think he got what he deserved. I feel sympathy for Barron Trump but also think his father deserves to be stung by a thousand bees.

If this convinces them not to be big game hunters, then I’d call it a net win.

I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.


This is like a much, much, much less well everything version of Tupac and Biggie.

I approve all of your messages.

Being mean doesn’t suit me and leaves me feeling dirty.

There is no such thing such as correct racism of any kind, point.

It was treatment like this that led Karl and his brother to join Hans Gruber and the Volksfrei. So unnecessary.