Hard to read a review of such a show without expecting as much, eh?
Hard to read a review of such a show without expecting as much, eh?
M- O- O- N-, that spells “my cock”
Fuller stands
I surely am, just stop calling me serious
I want to remember that the shortlived TV version of Starman starred James Woods, but i suspect it starred that non-union Mexican Connecticut James Woods ripoff, whatshisname. Robert Hayes?
Now, in the real AV Club of yesteryear, someone by would’ve posted a quote from when Hank Kingsley hit on Michael Landon’s wife at his funeral, and fell and broke his fall with his tongue, accidentally penetrating her, its a perfectly simple explanation
Fair enough re: the active shooter, though.
I’ve got no problem with this, as i’ve eaten three copies of Zooropa, in vinyl, CD and a bootleg cassette.
“Love the victimhood, not the victim”, that’s what i always say. He should have dedicated the song to her plight.
pft, he’s no archmage
Word is, the womenfolk are repossessing the term “Amazon”, and the patriarchy can’t just use it anymore.
Onion Show Loses a Peel
Tambor Bulble Burst, Beleaguered Star ‘Scapes Spotlight
Superman with a beard raises the question “how does he shave”, since fireballs don’t burn his hair, one might presume his hair is as invincible and impervious as the rest of him, so no Worldly Razor would do.
Speaking of “a mix of laughs and condemnation”, tell your mother i got that 40 bucks of hers. For the sex.
Your business helps the local community if it employs the local community, and serves the local community.
They get a gold star for no Thanksgiving episode nonsense.
In all seriousness, I hope the quick death of Universal’s Dark Universe is the death knell of interconnected franchises.
I’m partial to the liquid version, seeing as it’s 110 proof.
“honur”... “hunor”....they both look wrong
hey guys, i think there’s something up with that NOT A WOLF dude. I think he might be a puma or something