Random Monk

I’m a longtime fan of Caroline Siede, but

I don’t like tar sands. It’s coarse, and rough, and sticky, and it gets everywhere.


Dawes got the CancerAIDS, am i doing this right

i’m grateful for the Avocado.

Beth, you engage too much with assholes, you’re gonna burn out fast. Hire an intern for this kind of stuff

I actually am one of her cats, and i’ve never met you in my life.

“Thank you, Kinja, for not letting me block all this trash that my parent company floats over from garbage-people sites.”

“Tell me about my next rebirth, guru-ji”

Your alpha does not lead to your omega, but your heart is in the right place

wow that’s “hella rapey” as the kids would say

pft, ‘Randian’. Shorthand for “association of rich assholes around a book that none of them ever read.”

I sincerely hope that’s not the primary reason you didn’t move. I live about four miles from the headquarters here and I might as well live four thousand miles away.

“We were caught off-guard when the exact thing the protesters were protesting about happened. We thought, when we won, that our version of reality was vindicated. Unfortunately, reality is a traitor to American interests.

“The smart one” doesn’t mean he’s “smart”, just the least stupid. Alas, the least stupid one is clearly Tiffany, for keeping out of all this.

Why do you wish him ill? What’s wrong with your brain? At worst, this guy is an idiot; otherwise, he’s got dementia or some other illness.

CEO of Tits and Pecs, to be completeist. No other show before it had lingered so on oily mens bodies.

Mirror Universe Trump knows better than you, bub.

American democracy doesn’t work.

Democracy works fine in a) smaller countries who b) don’t treat their Constitution like a Divinely Revealed Text, and change it fundamentally from time to time to reflect changes in society.

just because you Americans are fucked, does not mean that the rest of us will go down with you. You might even try to pull us down, but you know, you’ll probably fail.