Random Monk

dude, it’s EITHER reposts of articles about tweets made by celebrities in reaction to Trump, OR it’s insightful reviews of TV, movies and sometimes football music and games. NOT BOTH.

In other words, if you want insightful reviews of TV, movies and sometimes football music and games, go to the competition (which by the

“At least Walrus Man got an action figure!”

in the real world, very few ogres are demonic

when did you become such a piece of internet trash, Hunter Gathers? You used to be cool.


Hilarious take!

PTA = “Phillip Theymour Anderthon” ?

and i’ll give you that you give them that.

Live 12 months outside the US, anywhere, then say “the world is burning” with a widdle mowon in the white house

i did forget, still can’t remember.

thats how the zombies win


...and 12 months ago, i’d be right with you. But in 2017, it is clear, the AV Club is primarily a left-political site, mixing the appropriate news-cum-infotainment as the overlords see fit. Let us not dwell in the van der Werffian past.

...on any other website than the Trump-obsessed AV Club 4.0, which is not the AV Club 3.0

so THAT’S why you go to so many rallies.


“Dabbing” refers to the ingestion of powdered hallucinogens mostly. In that regard, i agree, we’re too cynical, we should all dab a bit this weekend.

Take it away, Laura Linney!

we still don’t wash are underwear

I find it amazing that y’all think it’s amazingly weird for this bad tv show to be on since 2014, but that it’s perfectly non-descript and beneath mention that you’ve been dropping bombs on Afghanistan every day since mid-2002.

I’m also a little shocked that nobody can tell me why American forces are in Niger, and